Media, Terrorism, and Theory: A Reader

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Author: Todd Fraley

ISBN-10: 0742536300

ISBN-13: 9780742536302

Category: Journalism

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Over the past few years, media outlets have spotlighted coverage of terror attacks. Drawing on both popular and academic articles, Media, Terrorism, and Theory analyzes the larger issues surrounding media's portrayal of terrorism. From such diverse fields as political science, media studies, architecture, and information science, each contributor brings a distinctive perspective. Answering a growing need to understand media discourse on terrorism, this volume complements readings in upper-level mass communication courses and will appeal to scholars of international media and terrorism.

Pt. 1Orientations1Televising the "war on terrorism" : the myths of morality32Mediatizing the global war on terror : television's public eye19Discussion questions for part 149Pt. 2Genres and contexts3Prime time terror : the case of La Jetee and 12 monkeys534Mediated terrorism in comparative perspective : Spanish press coverage of 9/11 vs. coverage of Basque terrorism695National politics of belonging and conflicting masculinities : race and the representation of recent wars916Terrorism and the exploitation of new media107Discussion questions for part 2121Pt. 3Frames and contexts7Critical media theory, democratic communication, and global conflict1258Terrorism, public relations, and propaganda1459September 11, social theory, and democratic politics16110International communication after terrorism : toward a postcolonial dialectic179Discussion questions for part 3199