Master of Dreams: A Memoir of Isaac Bashevis Singer

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Author: Dvorah M. Telushkin

ISBN-10: 0641969058

ISBN-13: 9780641969058

Category: Jewish Literary Biography

In 1975, twenty-one-year-old Dvorah Telushkin wrote a letter to the great Yiddish writer Isaac Bashevis Singer, offering to drive him to and from a creative writing class in return for permission to attend the course. The literary master, then seventy-one, accepted the offer, which led to a twelve-year-long apprenticeship for Telushkin. Throughout Dvorah Telushkin's tenure with Singer, she kept detailed diaries chronicling both their literary efforts and the evolution of their personal...

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In this new paperback edition issued on the centennial of Singer's birth, the longtime assistant to the 1978 Nobel Prize winner for his Yiddish literature explains the title's source from a biblical story about a dreamer as a healer. This is a dual memoir of Singer (1904- 91) and Telushkin's relationship with the self-described "merry pessimist," with photos and a glossary of Yiddish terms. Originally published in 1997 by William Morrow. Not indexed. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR New York Times Book Review “Telushkin captures the evolution of her 12-year apprenticeship to Singer ... in this series of poetic vignettes..”

AcknowledgmentsviiBiographical NotexiiiIntroductionxvPrologue: Master of Dreams1Part I(1975-1977)1House of Yizkor72"I Vant You Should Tell Me Everything..."163"Bring Me Stories, I Love Stories"204"So, You Can Type, Dahlink?"275House of Wonder306"Aach, Just an Embryo"377"Qvite an Audience"408"X"449Secret Kasha5110"Come In! Come In, My Friend"5311"Mehrilin Mawnraw Is Coming!"6412Enter Charlie6813Courtyard Dance7414Down Broadway76Part II(1977-1984)15"I'm Fresh like a Daisy"8716Isaac Sings10317Rachel MacKenzie, the Perfect Lady10918The Balloon12319The Geshray12520"You Are in the Fehctory of Literature"12921"Vith Vone Flame"13622"Do You Heve Here an Account for Singeh?"14523"A Crook and Nothing More"15324"The Baby Is Hehving a Baby"15625Miami, the Faraway Island16326Corridor Dance17227The Prize17428The Bear's Brother18829Gudl the Tailor19430"Excuse Me, I Heve en Appointment vith the Prime Minister"19831"Do Nothing"20132"Vhat Did You Need vith So Much Growing?"20933"Vhat Did You Need vith So Much Yiddish?"21634"There Are No Excuses for the One Who Loses"228Part III(1984-1993)35"My Desk Is My Battlefield!"24136A Divided Face25637A Teller of Tales25838Happy Birthday26539The Yarmulke27140The Eye27841"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night"28542House of Slumber29543The Salute29944Gilgul30845Lullaby and Good Night31646The Critic31947Broadway Reborn32448The King's Minyan32949House of Light337Notes341Glossary345Note on Transcription347Permissions349

\ New York Times Book Review"Telushkin captures the evolution of her 12-year apprenticeship to Singer ... in this series of poetic vignettes.."\ \