Managing Green Spaces: Careers in Wilderness and Wildlife Management

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Author: Suzy Gazlay

ISBN-10: 0778748669

ISBN-13: 9780778748663

Category: Business & Careers

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\ Children's Literature\ - Sylvia Firth\ This large format paperback is part of the "Green-Collar Careers series." Each of the five chapters is designed to introduce a wide variety of careers in areas as diverse as parks, wilderness territories, field or laboratory research, forests, and animal sanctuaries. The book is bulging with captioned, color photos that enhance the text of each double page spread. Sidebars provide career profiles of real people who are engaged in activities ranging from serving as guides on wilderness adventure trips to park rangers, to biologists, to trail or marine mammal managers. Beside the main text of the book, numerous explanations and descriptions are added to most pages. This may prove distracting to readers who does not know what to read first, causing them lose track of the main text. Others will be glad to have the additional information. Back matter includes suggestions for projects youngsters can try and web pages that can be investigated for more information. Schools and libraries needing to add materials on "green" subjects may consider adding this to their collections. Reviewer: Sylvia Firth\ \ \ \ \ School Library JournalGr 5-8–Sometimes you just can't see the rain forest for the trees. These books are full of worthwhile and current information, if readers have the time and inclination to wade through cluttered, collagelike layouts, a jarring variety of typefaces and colors, overstuffed photo captions, and too much text punctuated with too many exclamation points. The best features here are the frequent “Career Profile” sidebars, contributed by people with intriguing and varied “green” jobs (such as running a zoomobile or being a vet for organic dairy cows) and the “Start Your Green Future Now” pages, which provide ideas about projects and activities. An index to careers is sorely needed. Concise information about how to prepare for each career is also lacking.\ \