Machine Shop Trade Secrets

from $0.00

Author: James Harvey

ISBN-10: 0831132272

ISBN-13: 9780831132279

Category: Mechanical Engineering - General & Miscellaneous

“…James Harvey has written an excellent book that fills a void in current metalworking instructional books. Most textbooks are aimed at the beginner in the machining trade and cover basic work practice admirably. What textbooks do not do is sit you down with a veteran of the trade who can fill you in on the tips and tricks that allow working faster, accurately and intelligently. What amazed me is at how all these tips are not recycled versions of the ones we are all familiar with (as...

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Written by an experienced machinist and plastic injection mold maker, this groundbreaking manual will have users thinking and producing like experienced machinists. Machine Shop Trade Secrets provides practical "how-to" information that can immediately be put to use to improve ones machining skills, craftsmanship, and productivity. It is sure to be used and referred to time and again. Users will discover ways to:        Work faster.        Select, make, and grind cutters.        Surface grind blocks, pins and shapes        Cut threads, knurl parts and eliminate warp.        Choose realistic feeds, speeds and depths of cut.        Remove broken taps, drill bits and other hardware.        Apply proven CNC techniques to maximize output.        Improve surface finishes and hold tighter tolerances        Assist engineers with design and manufacturing issues.        Improve indicating skills and develop a "feel" for machining.

Work FastGet it RightDo it the Easy WayMake Em Look GoodHelp for NovicesMore Shop TalkThe Cutter CaperThreads and ThingsHelp for EngineersRotary Table MagicTaming WarpBe SquareMold Making TipsGet Your Grinder Goin The Incredible CNCShop Math WizardryOdds and EndsTell Me Something I Don t KnowAppendicesIndex