Love And Death In Goethe

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Author: Ellis Dye

ISBN-10: 1571133003

ISBN-13: 9781571133007

Category: General & Miscellaneous Literary Criticism

Goethe, in association with his younger Romantic compatriots the Schlegels, Novalis, Fichte, and Schelling, struggled with the subject-object dichotomy, and tried to bridge the gap between self and other, consciousness and nature. His theory and practice prefigured the Romantics' determination to display and interrogate the linguistic and cultural structures informing their own thinking and modes of representation—what Goethe calls one's "Vorstellungsart." His work exploits, subverts, and...

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Explores the central theme of Romantic poetry in the works of the most important German Romantic poet of all.

1Issues : some implications of the link between love and death162Incorporating tradition413Frau Welt : venereal disease : Femmes Fatales624Die Leiden des jungen Werthers795Stella : Ein Schauspiel fur Liebende976Intrusions of the supernatural1147Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre : identity and difference1638Poetic ambiguity : "Selige Schnsucht"1829Die Wahlverwandtschaften : romantic metafiction20010Love and death in Faust22511Truth : paradox : irony25012Virtuosity269