Love, Sex and Marriage in the Middle Ages: A Sourcebook

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Author: Conor McCarthy

ISBN-10: 0415307465

ISBN-13: 9780415307468

Category: British History - General & Miscellaneous

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Including many texts available for the first time in modern English translation, Conor McCarthy brings together a wide array of writings as well as informative introductions and explanations, to give a vivid impression of how love, sex and marriage were dealt with as central issues of medieval life.With extracts from literary and theological works, medical and legal writings, conduct books, chronicles and love letters, the writings range from well known texts such as the Letters of Abelard and Heloise, Beowulf and The Canterbury Tales to less familiar sources such as church legislation or court case proceedings.An indispensable sourcebook for all students and teachers of medieval history, literature and culture, Love, Sex and Marriage in the Middle Ages contains a wide breadth of material showing the diverse and sometimes disparate approaches to love, sex and marriage in medieval culture, brilliantly illustrating contemporary attitudes and ideologies.

AcknowledgementsPermissionsIntroduction11Augustine of Hippo, Confessions292Augustine of Hippo, The Excellence of Marriage303Augustine of Hippo, Holy Virginity344Augustine of Hippo, The Excellence of Widowhood355Augustine of Hippo, The City of God366Jerome, Against Jovinian417The Penitential of Theodore448Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English People539The Law of the Northumbrian Priests6010Gratian, Decretum6111Peter Lombard, Sentences6212Decretals of Gregory IX6313Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae6414The Fourth Lateran Council6815English Ecclesiastical Statutes7216Late Medieval Marriage Vows8317An Ecclesiastical Court Case from the Province of Canterbury8318Two Cases from an Episcopal Visitation of Canterbury Diocese8819A Rural Dean's Court8920Laws of Aethelbert of Kent9721Laws of Ine of Wessex9922Laws of King Alfred10023Laws of King Canute10224Concerning the Betrothal of a Woman10525Old English Marriage Agreements10626Coronation Charter of Henry I10827Magna Carta10928Statutes of Westminster I11029Statutes of Westminster II11030Glanvill11231Bracton11532Britton12133English Customary Laws12134Cases from the Manorial Courts12335The Case of John/Eleanor Rykener12636The Life of Christina of Markyate13437Jacques de Vitry, The Life of Mary of Oignies13738St. Bridget (Birgitta) of Sweden, Liber Celestis13839The Book of Margery Kempe13940Letters of Abelard and Heloise14641The Paston Letters14942Chronicle of Richard of Devizes15243Giraldus Cambrensis, The History and Topography of Ireland15344Annals of the Friars Minor of Colmar15545Jean Froissart, Chronicles15646Holy Virginity (Hali Mei[delta]had)15947Book of the Knight of La Tour Landry15948The Menagier of Paris, Manual for his Wife16049Beowulf16750The Wife's Lament16851The Husband's Message16952Wulf and Eadwacer17153Riddles 25, 44, 4517254Judith17355Andreas Capellanus, De Amore17456Alan of Lille, The Plaint of Nature17757De Coniuge Non Ducenda17958Etienne de Fougeres, Livre de Manieres18359Marie de France, Yonec18460Guillaume de Lorris and Jean De Meun, The Romance of the Rose19161Jean Bodel, The Peasant from Bailleul19562Christine de Pizan, The Tale of Griselda19863The Debate on the Rose20364Francois Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel20665Middle English Lyrics20866In the Ecclesiastical Court21067The Owl and the Nightingale21368Cleanness21569John Gower, Confessio Amantis21670Geoffrey Chaucer, Portrait of the Pardoner21971Geoffrey Chaucer, The Wife of Bath's Prologue22072Geoffrey Chaucer, 'Envoy a Bukton'24173William Langland, Piers Plowman24274Ballad of the Tyrannical Husband24575Thomas Hoccleve, Letter of Cupid24976William Dunbar, Upon the Midsummer's Eve, Merriest of Nights25077Trotula25978Pseudo-Albertus Magnus, De Secretis Mulierum26279Avicenna, A Treatise on Love26680Constantine Africanus, Viaticum26881Gerard of Berry, Glosses on the Viaticum26982Peter of Spain, Questions on the Viaticum (Version A)27083Bona Fortuna, Treatise on the Viaticum27184Geoffrey Chaucer, The Knight's Tale272Bibliography274Index285