Lobbying Manual: A Compliance Guide for Lawyers and Lobbyists

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Author: William V. Luneburg

ISBN-10: 1590314166

ISBN-13: 9781590314166

Category: United States Law - General & Miscellaneous

Describes the dramatic changes brought about by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, and the considerable changes that have occurred since the last edition was published in 1998.

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Describes the dramatic changes brought about by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, and the considerable changes that have occurred since the last edition was published in 1998.

Ch. 1Federal lobbying regulation : history through 19545Ch. 2History of lobbying reform proposals since 1955 and enactment of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 199521Ch. 3The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 : scope of coverage33Ch. 4Registration, reporting, and related requirements89Ch. 5Lobbying Disclosure Act : administration and miscellaneous matters135Ch. 6Constitutional issues raised by the 1995 Lobbying Disclosure Act143Ch. 7Antitrust - the federal trade commission and the department of justice167Ch. 8Lobbying at the EPA under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995177Ch. 9Communications with federal financial regulatory agencies under the Lobbying Disclosure Act195Ch. 10Internal revenue code limitations on deductibility of lobbying expenses by businesses and trade associations227Ch. 11Internal revenue code limitations on lobbying by tax-exempt organizations243Ch. 12Foreign Agents Registration Act251Ch. 13The Byrd amendment265Ch. 14Federal acquisition regulation governing lobbying279Ch. 15Office of management of budget regulations governing lobbying costs incurred by nonprofit organizations285Ch. 16Antitrust consent decree (Tunney Act) lobbying291Ch. 17Public utility holding company lobbying305Ch. 18Lobbying by executive branch officials309Ch. 19Special considerations by lobbying by nonprofit corporations319Ch. 20Contingent fee lobbying341Ch. 21Federal campaign finance law : a primer for the lobbyist361Ch. 22Congressional ethics : gifts, travel, and income limits405Ch. 23Restrictions on gifts and compensation for executive branch employees433Ch. 24Post-employment restrictions and the regulation of lobbying by former employees445Ch. 25Criminal prosecution of lobbyists for offering gratuities to legislators469Ch. 26The lawyer and the congressional investigation477Ch. 27The ethical responsibilities of a lawyer-lobbyist487