Little Book of Nature Themes

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Author: Henry David Thoreau

ISBN-10: 0766173321

ISBN-13: 9780766173323

Category: American Essays

1906. Thoreau's themes are many-sided. They reflect much truth and beauty; lights and shadows of a remarkable and unique personality. The aim of this little book is to group together the most attractive sentences that they in no way lose the hue and fragrance of the thought, but by their very suggestiveness, bring us in closer harmony with the author's power of interpretation.

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1906. Thoreau's themes are many-sided. They reflect much truth and beauty; lights and shadows of a remarkable and unique personality. The aim of this little book is to group together the most attractive sentences that they in no way lose the hue and fragrance of the thought, but by their very suggestiveness, bring us in closer harmony with the author's power of interpretation.