Lights, Camera, Action!: Making Movies and TV from the Inside Out

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Author: Lisa O'Brien

ISBN-10: 1897066880

ISBN-13: 9781897066881

Category: Business & Careers

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There really is no business like show business. This engaging book takes young readers behind the glitz and glamour of Hollywood into the dizzying world of agents, casting directors, “big picture” producers, and bustling production teams. Vibrant illustrations and a conversational tone provide a captivating cross-section of the film, television, and stage industries. Along the way, “Popcorn Quizzes” test movie mavens’ show biz trivia, “Director’s Notes” offer cues to budding Barrymores, and “Screen Speak” glossaries decipher industry lingo. A note to parents and list of resources provide further information. School Library JournalGr 4-8-A breezy look at the filmmaking process using the conceit of a fictional motion picture and two teens who audition for and are cast in the production. The book focuses primarily on the acting end of the business: how to get an agent, preparing for an audition, creating a character once you've been cast, and what to expect during the shooting phase. In between, there is information about screenplay writing, special effects, and how a film is marketed. However, the story focuses on the actors, and descriptions are given in the context of telling the performers what to expect. A brief final section gives information on television and voice-over work. The author's straightforward presentation is obviously from the point of view of an insider. The book is designed for casual browsers, and there is enough variety in the page layout to keep reluctant readers interested. Serviceable cartoon drawings appear on every page. The text is broken up with "Director's Notes" and suggestions and practical activities for aspiring actors. Brief boxed interviews with actual people involved in filmmaking and "popcorn quiz" trivia questions are scattered throughout. "Screen Speak" glossaries of unfamiliar movie jargon, a note for stage parents, a list of resources, and a short index are included. This book would be most helpful for aspiring actors who want to be in pictures.-Tim Wadham, Dallas Public Library, TX