Life and Death: A Reader in Moral Problems

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Author: Louis P. Pojman

ISBN-10: 0534508251

ISBN-13: 9780534508258

Category: Major Branches of Philosophical Study

This anthology examines 11 key issues dealing with the beginning and end of life, and presents a balanced set of 67 classic and contemporary readings on each of them. It is unique in its coverage of applied ethics, medical topics, and broad theoretical considerations of issues of life and death-the sanctity of life versus the quality of life, and the meaning of life and death. The section on Ethical Theory covers the classic theories as well as ethical relativism to orient students to the...

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This anthology examines 11 key issues dealing with the beginning and end of life, and presents a balanced set of 67 classic and contemporary readings on each of them. It is unique in its coverage of applied ethics, medical topics, and broad theoretical considerations of issues of life and death-the sanctity of life versus the quality of life, and the meaning of life and death. The section on Ethical Theory covers the classic theories as well as ethical relativism to orient students to the nature and importance of ethics. The section on the sanctity of life versus the quality of life examines a vital but often neglected issue in moral philosophy. Introductions and study questions accompany each major reading. Booknews A collection of readings on issues related to life and death, the sanctity of life versus the quality of life, and the meaning of life and death. A pro-con format helps to clarify opposing points of view, and introductions and study questions for each reading give further insight and direction. This second edition contains a new section on human cloning, and nine new articles focusing on abortion, suicide, and euthanasia. Lacks a subject index. The editor teaches philosophy at the US Military Academy in West Point, NY. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

PrefacexiI.Ethical Theories1A.Classical Theories41.Immanual Kant: Deontological Ethics42.John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism183.Thomas Hobbes: Contractual Ethics25B.Relativism and Objectivism364.Herodotus: Custom Is King365.Ruth Benedict: A Defense of Ethical Relativism376.Louis P. Pojman: A Defense of Ethical Objectivism43II.The Sanctity of Life and the Quality of Life557.The Bible: Genesis and Psalm 8: The Devine Creation of Humanity588.Albert Schweitzer: Reverence for Life609.Jonathan Glover: Against the Sanctity of Life Doctrine6810.H. Tristram Englehardt, Jr.: The Sanctity of Life and the Concept of a Person7711.Daniel Callahan: The Sanctity of Life Principle: The New Consensus84III.Death and the Meaning of Life9912.Plato: Death and Immortality10113.Epicurus: Death Is Nothing to Us10514.Richard Taylor: Does Life Have a Meaning?11115.Lois Hope Walker: Religion and the Meaning of Life and Death11916.Jeffrie Murphy: Rationality and the Fear of Death12317.Prasannatma Das: A Hindu Theory of Life and Death132IV.Suicide13718.Thomas Aquinas: Suicide Is Unnatural and Immoral13919.David Hume: On the Naturalness of Suicide14220.Albert Camus: Life Is Absurd14721.Richard Brandt: On the Morality and Rationality of Suicide15222.Margaret Pabst Battin: Suicide: A Fundamental Right?161V.Euthanasia17323.Yale Kamisar: Against Legalizing Euthanasia17624.Glanville Williams: For Legalizing Euthanasia: A Rejoinder18425.James Rachels: Active and Passive Euthanasia19026.Thomas D. Sullivan: Active and Passive Euthanasia: An Impertinent Distinction?19527.The Oregon Law on the Right to Die200VI.What Is Death? The Crisis of Criteria20328.Robert M. Veatch: Defining Death Anew20729.David J. Mayo and Daniel Wikler: Euthanasia and the Transition from Life to Death220VII.Abortion23330.John T. Noonan, Jr.: Abortion Is Morally Wrong23531.Judith Jarvis Thomson: A Defense of Abortion24032.Baruch Brody: Against an Absolute Right to Abortion25233.Mary Anne Warren: The Personhood Argument in Favor of Abortion26134.Harry J. Gensler: The Golden Rule Argument Against Abortion26835.Don Marquis: Why Abortion Is Immoral27936.Gerald H. Paske: Abortion and the Neo-Natal Right to Life: A Critique of Marquis's Futurist Argument293VIII.Human Cloning30337.Leon R. Kass: The Wisdom of Repugnance30838.National Bioethics Advisory Board: Against Cloning Human Beings32739.Richard Lewontin: The Confusion over Cloning34140.Gregory E. Pence: Will Cloning Harm People?349IX.The Death Penalty36141.Immanual Kant: Retributivism: The Right to Capital Punishment36842.Thurgood Marshall: The Death Penalty Is a Denial of Human Dignity37143.Burton Leiser: A Retributivist Justification of the Death Penalty37544.Hugo Adam Bedau: Against Retributive Justification of the Death Penalty38145.Sidney Hook: The Death Sentence: Limited Use38946.Ernest van den Haag and Louis Schwartz: The Death Penalty: Pro and Con391X.Animal Rights39547.Immanual Kant: We Have Only Indirect Duties to Animals39848.Peter Singer: All Animals Are Equal40049.R. G. Frey: A Utilitarian Critique of Animal Rights41150.Tom Regan: The Radical Egalitarian Case for Animal Rights42251.Robert White: The Case for Animal Experimentation43152.Tom Regan: The Case Against Animal Experimentation43553.Mary Anne Warren: Difficulties with the Strong Animal Rights Position44554.Carl Cohen: The Case Against Animal Rights45355.James Rachels: Vegetarianism and "The Other Weight Problem"457XI.War46756.Robert Phillips: Just War Theory47257.Jan Narveson: A Critique of Pacifism47958.Cheyney Ryan: A Defense of Pacifism48959.The U.S. Catholics Bishops: Against the Use of Nuclear Weapons49360.Charles Krauthammer: On Nuclear Morality49961.Douglas Lackey: Missiles and Morals50662.William James: The Moral Equivalent of War514XII.World Hunger52363.Garrett Hardin: Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor52664.William Murdoch and Allen Oaten: Population and Food: Metaphors and the Reality53665.Peter Singer: Famine, Affluence, and Morality54366.Richard Watson: Reason and Morality in a World of Limited Food55267.John Arthur: Famine Relief and the Ideal Moral Code559

\ BooknewsA collection of readings on issues related to life and death, the sanctity of life versus the quality of life, and the meaning of life and death. A pro-con format helps to clarify opposing points of view, and introductions and study questions for each reading give further insight and direction. This second edition contains a new section on human cloning, and nine new articles focusing on abortion, suicide, and euthanasia. Lacks a subject index. The editor teaches philosophy at the US Military Academy in West Point, NY. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR\ \