Liberalism Divided

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Author: Owen Fiss

ISBN-10: 0813324858

ISBN-13: 9780813324852

Category: Civil Liberties

Professor Fiss examines contemporary free-speech issues in the context of the collision of liberal ideas of equality and freedom with modern social structures and speculates on what role the state might play in furthering robust public debate.

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Professor Fiss examines contemporary free-speech issues in the context of the collision of liberal ideas of equality and freedom with modern social structures and speculates on what role the state might play in furthering robust public debate.

Introduction11Free Speech and Social Structure72Why the State?313Silence on the Street Corner474Freedom and Feminism675State Activism and State Censorship896The Right Kind of Neutrality1097Free Speech and the Prior Restraint Doctrine1218Building a Free Press139Notes159Acknowledgments181About the Author183Index185