Lethal Justice (Sisterhood Series #6)

Mass Market Paperback
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Author: Fern Michaels

ISBN-10: 0821778803

ISBN-13: 9780821778807

Category: Motivations - Fiction

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A gripping new novel in the Sisterhood series from the New York Times bestselling author - Alexis was a successful broker whose career was on the rise. But that was before she was wrongly imprisoned for fraud. Suddenly her life was destroyed: thrown into prison for a year while the true criminals, Arden Gillespie and Roland Sullivan, spent the profits from the scam on themselves. It is time for the next revenge mission of the Sisterhood a vigilante organization whose aim is to avenge crimes not punished by the legal system.Publishers WeeklyMyra Rutledge and the fun-loving members of her vigilante group, which operates out of Myra's estate near Washington, D.C., deliver more creative punishment to miscreants who escape the traditional legal system in the sixth entry in bestseller Michael's lighthearted Sisterhood series (Sweet Revenge, etc.). When stock broker Alexis Thorn spends a year in prison for defrauding elderly investors, a crime actually committed by her greedy bosses, the Sisterhood plots revenge with the assistance of Myra's childhood pal, heiress Anna Ryland de Silva, and DA Jack Emery, Myra's lawyer daughter Nikki's boyfriend. Reporters Maggie Spritzer and Ted Robinson don't make their job any easier after the pair break into Nikki's office and uncover evidence that could embarrass the Sisterhood. Readers looking for an updated Charlie's Angels in "wild women" mode will be most satisfied. (Oct.) Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information.