Legal Guide for Day-to-Day Church Matters: A Handbook for Pastors and Church Members

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Author: Cynthia S. Mazur

ISBN-10: 0829815554

ISBN-13: 9780829815559

Category: General & Miscellaneous Religion

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Belongs on every pastor's desk, as the church is not exempt from the growing number of lawsuits filed each year. The authors are clergy as well as members of the bar. A 1995 Recommended Resource (Your Church magazine).

Introductionvii1.Litigation12.Church Procedures113.Government Regulatory Laws164.Faith-based Initiatives265.Copyright336.Personal Injury437.Defamation548.Employment and Labor Law689.Contracts7910.Agency8811.Weddings9612.Wills10113.Church Ownership and Possession of Property10614.Money10915.Tax Laws11516.How the Church Can Obtain Additional Assistance122Notes127Bibliography133