Law in a Therapeutic Key: Developments in Therapeutic Jurisprudence

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Author: David B. Wexler

ISBN-10: 0890899886

ISBN-13: 9780890899885

Category: United States Law - General & Miscellaneous

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AcknowledgmentsIntroductionCh. 1The Psychological Consequences of Judicial Procedures: Implications for Civil Commitment Hearings3Ch. 2The Side Effects of Incompetency Labeling and the Implications for Mental Health Law17Ch. 3The Jurisprudence of the Insanity Defense59Ch. 4Incompetency to Proceed in the Criminal Process: Past, Present, and Future77Ch. 5Competence to Stand Trial in Juvenile Court in Massachusetts: Issues of Therapeutic Jurisprudence113Ch. 6Sex Offenders and the Law: New Directions131Ch. 7Some Therapeutic Jurisprudence Implications of the Outpatient Civil Commitment of Pregnant Substance Abusers145Ch. 8Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Corrections: A Glimpse149Ch. 9Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Criminal Courts157Ch. 10Turning Rat and Doing Time for Uncharged, Dismissed, or Acquitted Crimes: Do the Federal Sentencing Guidelines Promote Respect for the Law?171Ch. 11A Sentencing Model for the 21st Century203Ch. 12The Mental Health Implications of Crime Victims' Rights213Ch. 13A Therapeutic Jurisprudence Approach to the Legal Processing of Domestic Violence Cases243Ch. 14Teen Court: A Therapeutic Jurisprudence Perspective287Ch. 15The Duty of the State to Rescue the Vulnerable in the United States299Ch. 16A Therapeutic Jurisprudence Analysis of Mandated Reporting of Child Maltreatment by Psychotherapist323Ch. 17Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Deception Required, Disclosure Denied343Ch. 18Designing Reasonable Accommodations through Co-Worker Participation: Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Confidentiality Provision of the Americans with Disabilities Act365Ch. 19Rethinking the Health Care Delivery Crisis: The Need for a Therapeutic Jurisprudence379Ch. 20Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Tort Law: A Limited Subjective Standard of Care385Ch. 21Requiring Sound Judgments of Unsound Minds: Tort Liability and the Limits of Therapeutic Jurisprudence409Ch. 22The Psychology of Compensation in Tort Law433Ch. 23Limiting the Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege: The Therapeutic Potential467Ch. 24The Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege: A Therapeutic Jurisprudence View483Ch. 25Arbitral Therapy499Ch. 26Class, Personality, Contract, and Unconscionability525Ch. 27Lawyers in Distress569Ch. 28Therapeutic Jurisprudence: From Idea to Application587Ch. 29Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Changing Conceptions of Legal Scholarship597Ch. 30Legal Psychology and Therapeutic Jurisprudence611Ch. 31New Approaches to Mental Health Law: Will the UK Follow the US Lead, Again?633Ch. 32The Jurisprudence of Therapeutic Jurisprudence645Ch. 33Speaking Truth to Power: Rights, Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Massachusetts Mental Health Law669Ch. 34Paternalism and the Unrealized Promise of Essays in Therapeutic Jurisprudence685Ch. 35Patients, Professionals, and the Path of Therapeutic Jurisprudence: A Response to Petrila707Ch. 36Justice, Mental Health, and Therapeutic Jurisprudence713Ch. 37Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Conflicts among Values in Mental Health Law723Ch. 38Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Mentally Disabled Persons: Hopeless Oxymoron or Path to Redemption?739Ch. 39Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Five Dilemmas to Ponder763Ch. 40The Newly Emerging Mental Health Law795Ch. 41Reflections on the Scope of Therapeutic Jurisprudence811Ch. 42Applying the Law Therapeutically831Ch. 43The Civil Action for Sexual Battery: Therapeutic Jurisprudence?845Ch. 44In the Wake of a Negligent Release Law Suit: An Investigation of Professional Consequences and Institutional Impact on a State Psychiatric Hospital875Ch. 45Coercive Uses of Mandatory Reporting in Therapeutic Relationships895Ch. 46Resolving Hospital Conflicts: A Study on Therapeutic Jurisprudence907Ch. 47Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Patients' Perceptions of Procedural Due Process of Civil Commitment Hearings923Ch. 48Toward a Therapeutic Jurisprudence Analysis of Medication Refusal in the Court Review Model935Ch. 49The Health Effects of Jury Service949Ch. 50Ex Post [actual symbol not reproducible] Ex Ante: Determining Liability in Hindsight979About the Editors995Bibliography997Index1005