Law for Business and Personal Use

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Author: John E. Adamson

ISBN-10: 0538496908

ISBN-13: 9780538496902

Category: Business Law - General & Miscellaneous

LAW FOR BUSINES AND PERSONAL USE, 19E provides instruction on the foundations of business law as well as the application of legal concepts to everyday life.

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Explore the foundations of business law, while introducing personal law topics that interest students. LAW FOR BUSINESS AND PERSONAL USE combines strong content with interactive technology and video to maintain student interest and support active learning. Coverage includes contracts, criminal law, consumer protection, wills and estates, marriage and divorce, property law, agency, employment contracts, unions, commercial paper, and credit obligations. Each chapter is divided into short, easy-to-handle lessons, setting a comfortable learning pace. With more than 1,000 cases, there's never a shortage of opportunities for case analysis and research.

UNIT 1. LAW, JUSTICE, AND YOU. 1. Laws and Their Ethical Foundation. 2. Constitutional Rights. 3. The Court System. 4. Criminal Law and Procedure. 5. Civil Law and Procedure. UNIT 2. CONTRACT LAW. 6. Offer and Acceptance. 7. Genuineness of Assent. 8. Consideration. 9. Legal Capacity to Contract. 10. Legal Purpose and Proper Form. 11. Contractual Obligations and Their Enforcement UNIT 3. THE LAW OF SALES. 12. Sales Contracts. 13. Ownership and Risk of Loss in Sales. 14. Consumer Protection. UNIT 4. PROPERTY LAW. 15. Property and Its Acquisition. 16. Bailments. 17. Ownership and Leasing of Real Property. 18. Insurance Law. 19. Wills, Trusts, and Estates UNIT 5. AGENCY AND EMPLOYMENT LAW. 20. Agency Law. 21. Employment Law. 22. Unions and the Employment Relationship. 23. Discrimination in Employment. 24. Employment-Related Injuries. UNIT 6. LEGAL FORMS OF BUSINESS OPERATION. 25. Forms of Business Organization. 26. The Law of Corporations. 27. Organizational Forms for Small Business. UNIT 7. BORROWING MONEY AND PAYING BILLS. 28. Commercial Paper. 29. Negotiability and Negotiation of Commercial Paper. 30. Discharge of Commercial Paper and Electronic Fund Transfers. 31. Secured and Unsecured Credit Obligations. 32. Creditors, Debtors, and Bankruptcy