Law and Society: An Introduction

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Author: Steven E. Barkan

ISBN-10: 0131946609

ISBN-13: 9780131946606

Category: United States Law - General & Miscellaneous

Law and Society is written to be highly accessible to the average undergraduate student. This multidisciplinary text draws on the work of anthropologists, historians, law professors, political scientists, psychologists, and sociologists to clearly outline how law is an essential social institution that shapes society, while also being shaped by it.

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Law and Society is written to be highly accessible to the average undergraduate student. This multidisciplinary text draws on the work of anthropologists, historians, law professors, political scientists, psychologists, and sociologists to clearly outline how law is an essential social institution that shapes society, while also being shaped by it.

Preface     viiThe Social Nature and Significance of Law     1The Significance of Law for Society and for Ourselves     3The Social Functions of Law     4The Dysfunctions of Law     6The Study of Law and Society     7Traditional and Social Science Views of Law     7Assumptions in the Study of Law and Society     9What Does Law and Society Study?     10Law and Justice     12The Case of the Speluncean Explorers     14Law and Logic in Tumultuous Times     17The Plan of the Book     18Summary     19Key Terms     20Understanding Law and Society     21What Is Law?     21Selected Definitions of Law     23Definitions of Law and the Existence of Law     27Explanations of Law     30Early Approaches     30Contemporary Perspectives     42Summary     51Key Terms     54Families and Types of Law     55Families of Law     55Common Law     56Civil Law     60Theocratic Law     64Socialist Law     68Traditional Law     70Types of Law in the United States     71Criminal Law     71Civil Law     75Executive Orders     77Administrative Law     78Other Distinctions     80Special Topics     82Military Law and Military Justice     82Native American Law     84International Law     85Summary     88Key Terms     91Law and Dispute Processing     92The Disputing Process     93Stages in the Disputing Process     94Methods of Dispute Processing     95Explaining Dispute Processing Decisions     104Societal Factors     104Individual Factors     110Dispute Processing in the United States     112Dispute Processing and Litigiousness: Then and Now     113Legal Consciousness and Going (or Not Going) to Court     117The Litigation Crisis Controversy     123Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)     128Summary     131Key Terms     133Law and Social Control     134Law, Deterrence, and Incapacitation     136Deterrence: Conceptual Considerations     137Research on Deterrence     142The Issue of Incapacitation     146Law, Morality, and Consensual Crime     149Philosophical Considerations     150Social Science Considerations     154Repealing Consensual Crime Laws?     156Special Topics in Law and Social Control     158The Death Penalty Controversy     158White-Collar Crime     162Summary     164Key Terms     167Law and Social Change     168The Impact of Social Change on Law: Law as Dependent Variable     170Social Change and Fundamental Legal Change     170Social Change and Specific Legal Developments     178The Impact of Law on Social Change: Law as Independent Variable     190Aspects of the Law to Social Change Relationship     191The Limits of Law as a Social Change Vehicle     193Problems in Assessing Legal Impact     195Conditions That Maximize the Potential Impact of Legal Change     197Law and Social Movements     199Use of Law by Social Movements     199Use of Law Against Social Movements     204Summary     206Key Terms     208Law and Inequality     209Law and Inequality in the American Past     210Social Class     210Race and Ethnicity     214Gender     218Contemporary Evidence     221Social Class     221Race and Ethnicity     226Gender     231Summary     234Key Terms     236The Legal Profession     237Images and Perceptions of Lawyers     238Reasons for the Negative Image     238The Positive Image: Lawyer as Hero     240History of the Legal Profession     241Early Origins of Lawyers     241Origin and Development of the American Legal Profession     242The U.S. Legal Profession Today     245Growth and Demographics of the Legal Profession     245The Stratification and Social Organization of the Bar     247Cause Lawyering     251Women in the Law     253Legal Ethics and Corruption     255Satisfaction with Legal Careers     257Law School and Legal Education      258The Growth of the American Law School     258Critique and Defense of Legal Education Today     261Summary     263Key Terms     266Courts and Juries     267Criminal Courts in the United States     267Understanding the Criminal Court     268Normal Crimes and the Courtroom Workgroup     270Plea Bargaining: Evil, Necessary Evil, or Not Evil?     273The Jury in Democratic Society     276History of the Jury     277How Well Does the Jury Perform?     280The Issue of Jury Nullification     283Summary     285Key Terms     288References     289Glossary     317Index     323