Late Great United States: What Bible Prophecy Reveals about America's Last Days

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Author: Mark Hitchcock

ISBN-10: 1601421400

ISBN-13: 9781601421401

Category: Theology - Bible Studies

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Is it possible the United States, a superpower without peer in history, might not be a key player as the world makes its way down the road to the Battle of Armageddon? This is the central question explored by prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock in this fascinating behind-the-headlines look at numerous current events and how they relate to what the Bible says about the last days. Americans are accustomed to their country being center stage as a world power, but as Hitchcock carefully details, that may not be the case in the final scene.

1 The Question Everyone's Asking 112 Is America Mentioned in Prophecy? 253 The Late Once-Great United States 624 Oil: America's Achilles Heel 735 Are We Headed for an Economic "Perfect Storm"? 1056 Our Worst Nightmare: Islamic Terror and a Nuclear 9/11 1227 When God Abandons a Nation 1478 The Rapture: The End of America as We Know It 1779 America: From Superhero to Sidekick 19110 Our Role in God's Foreign and Domestic Policies 20311 No Fear of the Storm 223Appendix A Some Questions you Might be Asking 227Appendix B Come Learn from My Mentors 247Notes 277