Know Your Customer: New Approaches to Understanding Customer Value and Satisfaction

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Author: Robert B. Woodruff

ISBN-10: 1557865531

ISBN-13: 9781557865533

Category: Marketing & Sales Management

Intended for business students and managers who want to become more customer-oriented, this book focuses on helping managers develop information skills for understanding customers' perceptions of value and satisfaction.

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Intended for business students and managers who want to become more customer-oriented, this book focuses on helping managers develop information skills for understanding customers' perceptions of value and satisfaction.

Preface1Achieving a Competitive Advantage Through Customer Value Delivery Strategies32Customer Value in Market Opportunity Analysis Processes223A New Perspective on Customer Value514Linking Customer Value to Customer Satisfaction845Know Your Customer Through Customer Value Determination1056How Customer Value Determination Improves Business Decisions1277Measuring Customer Value1578Analyzing Customer Value Data1919Measuring Customer Satisfaction22010Analyzing Customer Satisfaction Data25111Predicting Customer Value Change276Appendix I: The Coding Process302Appendix II: Identifying Strategically Important Customer Value Dimensions315Appendix III: Customer Value Change Forecasting Techniques325Index333