Junk Science Judo: Self Defense Against Health Scares and Scams

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Author: Steven J. Milloy

ISBN-10: 1930865120

ISBN-13: 9781930865129

Category: Medical Procedures & Consumer Education

This book is a simple, easy-to-read guide to debunking health scares and scams before you get hurt.

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This book is a simple, easy-to-read guide to debunking health scares and scams before you get hurt. ABC News - John Stossel I wish Junk Science Judo had been available when I was doing daily consumer reports. It hits the nail on the head about the media's role in health scares and scams. I wish all consumers and reporters would read it.

PrefaceixIntroduction1Lesson 1Know Thine Enemy7Lesson 2Show Me the Science!41Lesson 3Statistics Aren't Science69Lesson 4Epidemiology Is Statistics83Lesson 5Size Matters101Lesson 6Beat Statistics with Statistics107Lesson 7Big Numbers Mean Big Lies115Lesson 8Boycott Bioassays119Lesson 9Exposure Isn't Toxicity129Lesson 10Mind the Myths135Lesson 11Tricks Are for Kids155Lesson 12Know Your Friends177A Final Word: Go Forth and Debunk183Notes193Index211About the Author217

\ John StosselI wish Junk Science Judo had been available when I was doing daily consumer reports. It hits the nail on the head about the media's role in health scares and scams. I wish all consumers and reporters would read it.\ — ABC News\ \