Jack the Ripper Suspects: Persons Cited by Investigators and Theorists

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Author: Stan Russo

ISBN-10: 0786417757

ISBN-13: 9780786417759

Category: British History - General & Miscellaneous

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The legendary Jack the Ripper murdered several women -- probably at least five, and perhaps as many as ten -- between the years of 1887 and 1891 in the East End of London. The debate over his identity has never been resolved. Suspects named in more than a century of investigation include influential artist Walter Sickert, children's author Lewis Carroll, Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill (father of Winston Churchill), and others ranging from doctors and politicians to wandering lunatics. Alphabetically arranged entries provide biographical information about the suspects, a complete chronology surrounding the case for each suspect's involvement, and an overview of the theorists and research that have contributed to the suspect's positive or negative candidacy. Within these pages may lie the true name of Jack the Ripper. Readers will find an indispensable resource from which to draw conclusions or launch their own research.

AcknowledgmentsviiForeword1Preface5Introduction7Frederico Albericci11Albert Victor Christian Edward of Saxe-Coburg, Duke of Clarence12Robert Anderson20Thomas Barnardo22Daniel Barnett23Joseph Barnett25Edward Buchan32William Henry Bury33Lewis Carroll36Dr. Frederick R. Chapman38Frederick Nicholas Charrington39George Charles Spencer Churchill, 8th Duke of Marlborough41Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill42David Cohen44Claude Conder46John Courtenay48Dr. Thomas Neill Cream49Thomas Hayne Cutbush50Dr. Morgan Davies52Frederick Bailey Deeming53Ernest Dowson55Montague John Druitt57Frank Edwards71Henry James Fitzroy, Earl of Euston72Joseph Fleming73Fogelma, the Norwegian sailor74John George Gibson75George Robert Gissing77William Grant Grainger79Dr. William Gull80Dr. John Hewitt84George Hutchinson85"Jill the Ripper"88Nathan Kaminsky89James Kelly90Severin Klosowski93Vassily Konovalov97Aaron Kosminski101Leopold II (Louis Phillippe Marie Victor), King of Belgium107Alonzo Maduro108James Maybrick109John McCarthy115"Dr. Merchant"117Frank Miles118Morford119"Mr. Moring"120John Netley120Mikhael Ostrog122Dr. Alexander Pedachenko125Portuguese Cattlemen128Oswald Puckridge129Francis Charles Hastings Russell, 9th Duke of Bedford130George William Francis Sackville Russell, 10th Duke of Bedford131Dr. Jon William Sanders131John William Smith Sanders132Walter Sickert133Clarence Simm140G. Wentworth Bell Smith141Henry Arthur George Somerset142"Dr. Stanley"143James Kenneth Stephen144Robert Donston Stephenson151Algernon Charles Swinburne158Alois Szemeredy159Olga Tchkersoff161Dr. William E. Thomas161Francis Thompson162Francis Tumblety164Charles Warren169Nicolai Wassili173Dr. William Wynn Wescott174Index177