Is there Life after Death?: An Examination of the Empirical Evidence

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Author: David Lester

ISBN-10: 0786421169

ISBN-13: 9780786421169

Category: Eschatology

"There exists a large body of research on topics relevant to the question of life after death. This book objectively examines that research, drawing together the observations of social science regarding such phenomena as reincarnation, near-death experiences, deathbed visions, cases of possession by dead spirits, and apparitions of the deceased. It considers possibilities including survival of consciousness and survival of personality, and reflects on the logical problems inherent in any...

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"There exists a large body of research on topics relevant to the question of life after death. This book objectively examines that research, drawing together the observations of social science regarding such phenomena as reincarnation, near-death experiences, deathbed visions, cases of possession by dead spirits, and apparitions of the deceased. It considers possibilities including survival of consciousness and survival of personality, and reflects on the logical problems inherent in any model of postmortem survival." An extensive bibliography lists hundreds of studies of phenomena that suggest the possibility of life after death.

1Religious views on life after death112Who believes in life after death?183Near-death experiences : descriptions, frequency and types274Critical research on near-death experiences405Other research on near-death experiences576The impact of near-death experiences627Explanations for near-death experiences708Does this show there is life after death?909Introduction to reincarnation10110Research on reincarnation11311Reincarnation and hypnosis13212Phenomena that the theory of reincarnation can explain14113Conclusions about reincarnation14714Apparitions of the dead15715Widow hallucinations17416Deathbed visions17817Possession18318Mediums19419Poltergeists20120Is there life after death?207