Invisible Crises

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Author: George Gerbner

ISBN-10: 0813320720

ISBN-13: 9780813320724

Category: Mass Media & Politics

Hidden from public sight and mind today are invisible crises that threaten our democracy and existence more than the crises we know about—or think we know about. These invisible crises include the promotion of practices that drug, hurt, poison, and kill thousands every day; cults of violence that desensitize, terrorize, and brutalize; the growing siege mentality of our cities; widening resource gaps and the most glaring inequalities in the industrial world; the costly neglect of vital...

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Imagine that automotive engineers deliberately designed the blind spot, and to this day perpetuate its existence, in order to terrorize and kill human beings. In so imagining you are actually visualizing a phenomenon perpetrated by the dominant mass media—that of deliberately blanking out critical conditions and developments whose imagery would pose an unacceptable challenge to the dominant structures of culture-power. Such “invisible crises” are the subject of this book.

Introduction11Brave New World Minus 40072Information Deprivation in an Information-Rich Society153The Hidden Side of Television Violence274Speaking Volumes: The Book Publishing Oligopoly and Its Cultural Consequences355Computer-Assisted Crises476Freedom, Fun, and Fundamentals: Defining Digital Progress in a Democratic Society827Writing About Poverty in the Age of Plenty938Race Relations in the Suburbs999National Amnesia, Cultural Darwinism, and the Pursuit of Power, or What Americans Don't Know About Indians12010Beaches Without Bases: The Gender Order13111The New World Intellectual Order14512Whose Whispers Are in the Gallery?16413The Crisis of Political Legitimacy and the Muslim World18514The Crisis in Mobility20715Let Them Eat Pollution22116The Silent War: Debt and Africa22917Global Drug Scourge: The Hidden Story249Selected Bibliography267About the Book and Editors281Index283