Introduction To Tribology

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Author: Bhushan

ISBN-10: 0471158933

ISBN-13: 9780471158936

Category: Mechanical Engineering - General & Miscellaneous

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Coverage of critical cutting-edge topics including MEMS, nanotribology and magnetic surface storage technologies. * Integrates the knowledge of tribology from mechanical engineering, mechanics, and materials science points of view. * Covers both the underlying theory and the current applications of tribology to industry.

ForewordPreface1Introduction12Solid Surface Characterization93Contact between Solid Surfaces994Adhesion1695Friction2076Interface Temperature of Sliding Surfaces2877Wear3318Fluid Film Lubrication4239Boundary Lubrication and Lubricants53310Micro/Nanotribology56011Friction and Wear Screening Test Methods64012Tribological Components and Applications657Problems707App.: Units, Conversions, and Useful Relations715Index719