Introducing English Grammar

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Author: Kersti Borjars

ISBN-10: 1444109871

ISBN-13: 9781444109870

Category: English Grammar

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Introducing English Grammar guides readers through the practical analysis of the syntax of English sentences. With all special terms carefully explained as they are introduced, the book is written for readers with no previous experience of grammatical analysis. It is ideal for all beginning students of linguistics, English language, speech pathology, as well as students with primarily literary interests who need to cover the basics of linguistic analysis.

PrefaceIntroduction: The Glamour of Grammar 1.1. Purpose and Nature of Grammatical Description1.2. Standard English and Variation1.3. English Rules, OK?1.4. Why Study English Grammar?1.5. English in the Workplace1.6. The Branches of Linguistics ExercisesThe Structure of Sentences 2.1. Introduction2.2. The Structure of Words2.3. How Do We Know Sentences Have Structure?2.4. Constituency Tests2.5. Three Additional Tests2.6. Nested Constituents2.7. Representing Structure2.8. Points to Remember ExercisesThe Words of English 3.1. Introduction3.2. The Meaning of Lexical Categories3.3. Structural Criteria3.4. Major Categories3.5. The Minor Categories3.6. Phrasal Categories and their Structure3.7. Points to Remember ExercisesFunctions Within the Clause 4.1. Introduction4.2. The Predicate4.3. The Subject4.4. The Object4.5. The Predicative Complement4.6. The Adverbial4.7. Trees4.8. Points to Remember ExercisesDifferent Sentence Types 5.1. Introduction5.2. Declaritives5.3. Interrogatives5.4. Imperatives5.5. Exclamatives5.6. Echoes5.7. Trees5.8. Points to Remember ExercisesThe Verb Phrase 6.1. The Constituency of Verb Strings6.2. Time and Tense6.3. Lexical Verbs and Auxiliary Verbs6.4. Auxiliary Verbs6.5. Lexical Have, Be, and Do6.7. Trees6.8. Points to Remember ExercisesThe Noun Phrase 7.1. How to Spot a Noun Phrase7.2. Who's the Boss?7.3. Determiners7.4. Pre-Modifiers7.5. Pre-Determiners7.6. Post-Modifiers7.7. Complements7.8. Trees7.9. Points to Remember ExercisesClauses Within Clauses 8.1. Clauses8.2. Finite Sub-Clauses8.3. Non-Finite Clauses8.4. Subjectless Clauses8.5. Trees8.6. Points to Remember ExercisesBeyond the Sentence 9.1. Introduction9.2. Information Packaging9.3. Discourse Strategies9.4. Points to Remember ExercisesGrammar at Work 10.1. Introduction10.2. Speech Versus Writing10.3. E-Speak -Somewhere Between Speech and Writing10.4. Occupational Varities10.5. Points to Remember ExercisesEnglish Worldwide 11.1. Introduction11.2. New Englishes - Indian English11.3. Other Englishes11.4. Variation in the Native Englishes11.5. Vernacular Universals11.6. The Future of Standard English11.7. Points to Remember Exercises