International Practice Development in Nursing and Healthcare

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Author: Kim Manley

ISBN-10: 1405156767

ISBN-13: 9781405156769

Category: Clinical Medicine

International Practice Development in Nursing builds on Practice Development in Nursing, edited by the same editors and is the first book to develop a truly international practice development perspective.\ Practice development is a key concept in developing effective nursing care which is firmly embedded in health service modernisation agendas, clinical governance strategies, team and cultural developments and in quality improvements that directly impact on patient care in the UK and...

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International Practice Development in Nursing builds on Practice Development in Nursing, edited by the same editors and is the first book to develop a truly international practice development perspective. Practice development is a key concept in developing effective nursing care which is firmly embedded in health service modernisation agendas, clinical governance strategies, team and cultural developments and in quality improvements that directly impact on patient care in the UK and internationally. Practice development acknowledges the interplay between the development of knowledge and skills, enablement strategies, facilitation and a systematic, rigorous and continuous processes of emancipatory change in order to achieve evidence-based, person-centred care.International Practice Development in Nursing is an essential resource for all practice developers and for nurses with a remit for facilitating innovation and change in practice.

1 Introduction Kim Manley Manley, Kim Brendan McCormack McCormack, Brendan Val Wilson Wilson, Val2 Person-Centred Systems and Processes Brendan McCormack McCormack, Brendan Kim Manley Manley, Kim Ken Walsh Walsh, Ken3 The Ever-Changing Discourse of Practice Development: Can We All Keep Afloat? Lucienne Hoogwerf Hoogwerf, Lucienne Donna Frost Frost, Donna Tanya McCance McCance, Tanya4 A Methodological Walk in the Forest: Critical Creativity and Human Flourishing Angle Titchen Titchen, Angle Brendan McCormack McCormack, Brendan5 Evidence Use and Evidence Generation in Practice Development Tracey Bucknall Bucknall, Tracey Bridie Kent Kent, Bridie Kim Manley Manley, Kim6 Learning - The Heart of Practice Development Charlotte L. Clarke Clarke, Charlotte L. Val Wilson Wilson, Val7 An Exploration of Practice Development Evaluation: Unearthing Praxis Val Wilson Wilson, Val Sally Hardy Hardy, Sally Bob Brown Brown, Bob8 Enabling Practice Development: Delving into the Concept of Facilitation from a Practitioner Perspective Theresa Shaw Shaw, Theresa Jan Dewing Dewing, Jan Roz Young Young, Roz Margaret Devlin Devlin, Margaret Christine Boomer Boomer, Christine Marja Legius Legius, Marja9 Being Culturally Sensitive in Development Work Cheryle Moss Moss, Cheryle Jane Chittenden Chittenden, Jane10 Person-Centred Outcomes and Cultural Change Brendan McCormack McCormack, Brendan Tanya McCance McCance, Tanya Paul Slater Slater, Paul Joanna McCormick McCormick, Joanna Charlotte McArdle McArdle, Charlotte Jan Dewing Dewing, Jan11 Changing the Culture and Context of Practice: Evaluating the Journey Towards Family-Centred Care Val Wilson Wilson, Val RaeleneWalsh Walsh, Raelene12 Becoming a Facilitator - The Journey Jacqueline Clarke Clarke, Jacqueline Helen O'Neal O'Neal, Helen Shirley Burke Burke, Shirley13 Leadership Support Annette Solman Solman, Annette Mary FitzGerald FitzGerald, Mary14 Becoming and Being Active Learners and Creating Active Learning Workplaces: The Value of Active Learning in Practice Development Jan Dewing Dewing, Jan15 Evidence Use in Practice Development Rob McSherry McSherry, Rob Karen Cox Cox, Karen16 Using Practice Development Approaches in the Development of a Managed Clinical Network Liz Henderson Henderson, Liz Sandra McKillop McKillop, Sandra17 Accrediting Practice Development Activity: An Approach for Achieving Person-Centred and Evidence-Based Care Kim Manley Manley, Kim Jane Canny Canny, Jane Jill Down Down, Jill Jane-Marie Hamill Hamill, Jane-Marie Elaine Manderson Manderson, Elaine Natalie Moroney Moroney, Natalie Jenny Newton Newton, Jenny Alyce A. Schultz Schultz, Alyce A. Helen Young Young, Helen18 The Future Contribution of Practice Development in a Changing Healthcare Context Kim Manley Manley, Kim Brendan McCormack McCormack, Brendan Val Wilson Wilson, Val Debra Thorns Thorns, DebraIndex