Ingles Completo: Repaso Integral De Gramatica Inglesa Para Hispanohablantes

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Author: Theodore Kendris Ph.D.

ISBN-10: 0764135759

ISBN-13: 9780764135750

Category: English language -> Textbooks for foreign speakers

Students of English whose first language is Spanish will find this book ideal for study and test preparation. Following an introductory chapter that offers study advice and tips on correct English pronunciation, the author devotes nine chapters to the examination of English verbs in all tenses, moods, and voices. Succeeding chapters cover nouns in the nominative, possessive, and objective cases, articles, adjectives, adverbs, comparatives and superlatives, prepositions, pronouns, numbers,...

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(back cover) INGLĖS COMPLETO Repaso integral de gramática inglesa para hispanohablantes Complete English Grammar Review for Spanish Speakers Si eres un estudiante intermedio o avanzado, este libro te ayudará a mejorar tus conocimientos del inglés y te preparará para tener éxito en tus exámenes del idioma. El autor repasa todas las partes de la oración, y luego las combina para ayudarte a comprender la estructura gramatical de las oraciones inglesas. Todos los capítulos incluyen ejercicios con claves de respuestas que te ayudarán a juzgar tu progreso y mejorar tu dominio del inglés. This book will improve your understanding of English and prepare you to excel on English language tests. The author reviews all parts of speech, and then combines them to help you understand English sentence structure. All chapters include exercises with answer keys to help you evaluate your understanding of English and improve your fluency.