Indian Peace Medals in American History

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Author: Francis Paul Prucha

ISBN-10: 0806132183

ISBN-13: 9780806132181

Category: Military Collectibles

"Dr. Prucha, a professor of history at Marquette, has published a comprehensive new work on Indian peace medals. It supplies a wealth of new information on this series and represents the first significant work on this subject to be offered to the numismatist in almost half a century. This rich historical survey provides Indian peace medal collectors with a degree of comprehension of the series which was not available before."--- Coin World\ Father Prucha's excellent a must both as...

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PrefaceIntroductionPt. 1The Use of Peace Medals in American Indian Policy1Washington Medals for the Indians32Spanish Medals in the West113Medals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition164Zebulon Montgomery Pike's Expeditions255Before the War of 1812326Use of Peace Medals in the Northwest347Two Treaties with Indians in the Northwest448Indian Medals on the Missouri489The Southern Indians5410The Mexican War and Postwar Period5711Use of Medals after the Civil War59Pt. 2The Designing and Production of United States Indian Peace Medals12George Washington Medals7313Two Special Medals8814Washington Season Medals8915Thomas Jefferson Medals90A Note on the Artist of the Jefferson Medals9516James Madison Medals9517James Monroe Medals9918John Quincy Adams Medals10019Andrew Jackson Medals10320Martin Van Buren Medals10621John Tyler Medals10722James K. Polk Medals10923Zachary Taylor Medals111New Peace and Friendship Reverses11224Millard Fillmore Medals11425Franklin Pierce Medals11626James Buchanan Medals11827Abraham Lincoln Medals12028Andrew Johnson Medals12229Ulysses S. Grant Medal12530Rutherford B. Hayes Medal12731James Garfield Medal12932Chester A. Arthur Medal13133Grover Cleveland Medal13234Benjamin Harrison Medals13335Completing the Presidential Series13536Fur Trade Medals139Notes to the Text145Bibliography165Acknowledgments173Picture Credits175Index177