In Memory of Elaine Marks: Life Writing, Writing Death

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Author: Richard Goodkin

ISBN-10: 0299222306

ISBN-13: 9780299222307

Category: French Literature

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     A widely recognized and respected authority on French literature, women's writing, feminist theory, and Jewish studies, Elaine Marks wrote groundbreaking books on Collette, Simone de Beauvoir, and Jewish themes in French literature. In Memory of Elaine Marks continues her legacy of rigorous intellectual exploration, enlivening scholarship in diverse areas of thought.       The eleven essays in the collection bring together a number of intellectual, political, and ethical domains that were central to Marks's work: pedagogy, feminism, lesbianism, women's auto/biography, Jewish identity, community, memory, mourning, isolation, and death. In their interpretations of works by Marks, Simone de Beauvoir, Hélène Cixous, Philip Roth, Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, Saint-Simon, La Bruyère, Marcel Proust, and others, the authors illustrate and engage Marks's existential vision, fearlessly probing the human experience to make sense of how we live, die, and understand both.

Acknowledgments     viiIntroduction: On Mortality and Natality   Richard E. Goodkin   Elaine Marks     3Life Writing Death"Juifemmes"   Evelyn T. Beck   Richard E. Goodkin     15"Memoirs of an Indocile Daughter": Encounters with Elaine Marks   Martine Debaisieux   Richard E. Goodkin     31The Story of a Woman's Life in and through Time   Isabelle de Courtivron     57Death of the Other, Death of the MotherThe Disease of Monolingualism   Nelly Purman     75As She Lay Dying: Writing and the Mother/Daughter Dynamic in Beauvoir and Ernaux   Annie Jouan-westlund     90Childless Children: Bodies and Betrayal   Nancy K. Miller     110Jacques's Complaint: Derrida, Mortality, and the Maternal   Lawrence D. Kritzman     129Geographies of Life and DeathRonsard on Speed: "Ciel, air, & vens..."   Tom Conley     147The Art of Finding: Reading as (a Very Easy) Death   Susan S. Lanser     163Signing Off: The Individual Lost and RegainedThe Feminine Signature: Saint-Simon, Elaine Marks, and the Esprit Mortemart   David Harrison     183Moribondages: Reading Proust and La Bruyere with(out) Elaine   Richard E. Goodkin     204Teaching Mourning and Desire in French Literature   Elaine Marks     231Bibliography   Elaine Marks     241Works Cited     245Contributors     255