Immanence of the Infinite: Hans Blumenberg and the Threshold to Modernity

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Author: Elizabeth Brient

ISBN-10: 0813210895

ISBN-13: 9780813210896

Category: God - Theology

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AcknowledgmentsAbbreviationsIntroduction1Pt. 1The Question of the "Legitimacy" of the Modern Age13IBlumenberg's Attack on the Secularization Thesis21IIBlumenberg's Dialogical Functionalism27IIIThe Emergence of Worldliness and Otherworldliness as Loci of Existential Orientation39IVWorldliness as the "Signature of the Modern Age"61VArendt's Diagnosis of Worldlessness as the Hallmark of the Modern Age74Pt. 2The Infinite and the Problem of Measure95IThe Infinity of God and the Universe97IIHistorical Preconditions for the Emergence of the New Astronomy126IIIBlumenberg's Reading of the Epochal Threshold139Pt. 3Meister Eckhart and Nicholas of Cusa on the Immanence of the Infinite145IMeister Eckhart: The Mystical Interpretation of the Infinite Sphere147IIThe Speculative Interpretation of the Infinite Sphere in Nicholas of Cusa's On Learned Ignorance184Concluding Remarks243Bibliography253Index of Names269Index of Topics273