I Do Solemnly Swear

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Author: Stephen Sheppard

ISBN-10: 0521735084

ISBN-13: 9780521735087

Category: Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice

What should the people expect from their legal officials? This book asks whether officials can be moral and still follow the law, answering that the law requires them to do so. It revives the idea of the good official – the good lawyer, the good judge, the good president, the good legislator – that guided Cicero and Washington and that we seem to have forgotten. Based on stories and law cases from America’s founding to the present, this book examines what is good and right in law and why...

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1. Law and office; 2. The stakes: the interests of others in official actions; 3. Officials' obligations arise from more than the law alone; 4. The moral obligations of legal officials; 5. Patterns of relationship between legal and moral obligations; 6. Breaching duties; 7. Tools for the trade: maxims and fallacies.