I Am Otherwise: The Romance Between Poetry and Theory after the Death of the Subject

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Author: Alex E. Blazer

ISBN-10: 1564784584

ISBN-13: 9781564784582

Category: American & Canadian Literature

I am Otherwise: The Romance between Poetry and Theory after the Death of the Subject examines the contemporary poet's relationship with language in the age of theory. As the book works through close readings and interpretations of Adrienne Rich and Harold Bloom, John Ashbery and Paul de Man, Jorie Graham and Maurice Blanchot, and Barrett Watten and Jacques Lacan, it shows how the main psychological modes of contemporary poetry and the postmodern poet are anxiety, irony, abjection, and...

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I am Otherwise: The Romance between Poetry and Theory after the Death of the Subject examines the contemporary poet's relationship with language in the age of theory. As the book works through close readings and interpretations of Adrienne Rich and Harold Bloom, John Ashbery and Paul de Man, Jorie Graham and Maurice Blanchot, and Barrett Watten and Jacques Lacan, it shows how the main psychological modes of contemporary poetry and the postmodern poet are anxiety, irony, abjection, and destitution. The book ultimately concludes that the new theoretical poetry self-consciously renders the effect of critical theory in its own construction. Whereas poets of the past tarried with nature, self, or philosophy, poets of our time unite lyric feeling with literary theory itself.

Subjectivity, Poetry, Theory, DeathA Brief History of Death in Poetry     3Post-Structuralist Theory Romances Postmodern Poetry     15The Blooming Anxiety of Post-Structuralist Thought     21A Rich Inflammation or a Dead Bloom? The Poetry of Adrienne Rich and the Theory of Harold BloomA History of Death in Rich     31Blooming with Language / Dying in Language     48The Wreck of Language     63John Ashbery's Demand for Self-ReflectionThe Riches and the Limits of Language     78From Bloomian Anxiety to de Manian Irony     95The Demands of Reading and Writing     108Jorie Graham: Hollows and VoidsSkinning Matters     129The Void of Literature     143Outside Indifference     155Barrett Watten: From the Other Side of the MachineAnxiety-Irony-Anguish-Obsession     168Welcome to the Machine     178The Destitute Machine     197The Convergence of Poetry and TheoryA Brief History of Death in Poetry (Reprise)     212When Poetry and Theory Meet     216Notes     222Glossary     237Bibliography     239