Human Body On Trial

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Author: Lynne Curry

ISBN-10: 1576073491

ISBN-13: 9781576073490

Category: Health Law

The Human Body on Trial asks the basic question: Who's in charge of your body—you or the authorities? Four narrative chapters examine key constitutional questions addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court over the past century concerning the power of the state to regulate the human body, placing the issues in historical context and examining the contemporary legal and medical knowledge that informed each decision.\ The book focuses on individual cases, such as Jacobson v. Massachusetts (compulsory...

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A thorough exploration of an individual's right to bodily autonomy versus the state's power to regulate and control the bodies of its citizens.

Series ForewordPreface1Introduction3Constitutionalizing the Body3The Human Body as a Form of Property5The Regulatory State10The Right to Privacy18A Confusing Legacy232Historical Background29Medicalizing the Body29The Germ Theory33Eugenics34The Crusade for Birth Control38A Revival of Rights43The End of Life473Cases51Compulsory Vaccination: Private Rights versus Police Powers51Mandatory Sterilization: Eugenics on Trial58Contraception, Abortion, and the Right to Die: Privacy on Trial654Legacy and Impact81End-of-Life Issues on Trial81Biotechnology on Trial91Documents99Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, "Anti-Vaccination Circular, Distributed during the Epidemic of Small Pox in Boston, 1901,"99Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905)102Zucht v. King (1922)112Buck v. Bell (1927)117Skinner v. Oklahoma (1942)124Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)131Roe et al. v. Wade (1973)139Bowers, Attorney General of Georgia v. Hardwick, et al. (1986)148Webster, et al. v. Reproductive Health Services, et al. (1989)153Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania, et al. v. Casey (1992)163Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Public Health (1990)181Washington, et al., Petitioners v. Harold Glucksberg, et al. (1997)190Oregon's Death with Dignity Act198Key People, Laws, and Concepts207Chronology215Table of Cases219Annotated Bibliography221Index227About the Author237

\ From the Publisher"This work is highly recommended, especially for readers in need of an objective review of the history of ideas on the controversial issues relating to the control of one's body."\ -\ American Reference Books Annual\ \ \