How Video Works

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Author: Marcus Weise

ISBN-10: 0240809335

ISBN-13: 9780240809335

Category: Video Technology

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How Video Works has been a bible for professionals in the video world since 1985. It offers easy to understand explanations of the entire world of video. A complete guide from analog video to all the new digital technologies, including HD, compression, and encoding. This book is a must-have for any broadcast or video production department. It is also perfect for the new video technician or non-tech creative professional who is just beginning to discover the digital world. Update your library with the brand new version of an industry standard.* Now with full-color image section!* Complete explanation of the new ATSC digital and HDTV video and audio standards* New sections on optical media and fiber optics, updated MPEG material* In-depth coverage of the new Broadband and cell phone standards * Extensive explanation of new digital test signals and measurements* A hands-on approach to learning about video recording, transmission, and playback. * Complete glossary of terms covering both analog and digital video

Ch. 1Introduction1Ch. 2Electronic photography5Ch. 3Scanning15Ch. 4Synchronizing the analog signal25Ch. 5The transmitted signal39Ch. 6Color video53Ch. 7Monitoring the color image69Ch. 8Analog waveform monitors75Ch. 9Analog vectorscopes87Ch. 10The encoded signal95Ch. 11Digital theory103Ch. 12Digital television standards113Ch. 13High definition video125Ch. 14Digital scopes139Ch. 15Compression147Ch. 16Magnetic media161Ch. 17Optical media175Ch. 18Timecode183Ch. 19Audio for video193Ch. 20Overview of operations207Ch. 21Test signals, displays, and media problems223Glossary235Index253