How to Live a Low-Carbon Life: The Individual's Guide to Stopping Climate Change

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Author: Chris Goodall

ISBN-10: 1844074269

ISBN-13: 9781844074266

Category: Anthropology & Archaeology

Climate change is the greatest challenge facing humanity: drastic reduction of carbon emissions is vital if we are to avoid a catastrophe that devastates large parts of the world. Governments and businesses have been slow to act and individuals now need to take the lead. The Earth can absorb no more than 3 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year for every person on the planet if we are to keep temperature and rainfall change within tolerable limits. Yet from cars and holiday flights to...

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That climate change is happening is now all too clear. Many of us want to take action to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. Yet the lack of a consolidated source of reliable information on how to calculate one’s individual emissions and the difficulty in assessing different options for effectiveness and cost savings has proven to be a major stumbling block. But personal actions to reduce carbon emissions, if replicated on a sufficient scale, might just save the planet.How to Live a Low-Carbon Life provides the first comprehensive, one-stop reference guide to calculating individual carbon emissions and it lays out clear plans for how individuals can reduce their emissions. Covering all aspects of modern life from transport to home heating to food sources and the vexing issue of vacations, the book provides easy-to-use tables for conducting a personal lifestyle carbon audit.Easy reference tables enable rapid carbon footprint calculations, and a companion website houses downloadable spreadsheets to facilitate a complete lifestyle carbon audit as well as up-to-the minute information on new products and carbon-reducing technologies.This is the most comprehensive guide to calculating and reducing individual and home carbon emissions. It provides all the information needed for people and families to understand their impacts on the world’s climate. It gives us the information to enable us to adjust lifestyles and live a responsible life.Written in an optimistic tone, How to Live a Low-Carbon Life shows how easy it is to take responsibility and reduce our personal carbon emissions.Listen to Chris Goodall on NPR's Science Friday. Click here to download the audio file.

List of Figures and Tables; Sources and Units of Measurement; Acknowledgements; Introduction: Getting from 12 ½ Tonnes to 3 Tonnes of Carbon Dioxide per Person; 1) The Extraordinary Cheapness of Fossil Fuels; 2) The Scope for Government Action; 3) The Inadequacy of Alternative Means of Reducing Emissions; 4) No One Else is Doing Much, So You’d Better Do Something Yourself; 5) How Our Lives Generate Emissions and What We Can Do About It; 6) Home Heating; 7) Water Heating and Cooking; 8) Lighting; 9) Household Appliances; 10) Car Travel; 11) Public Transport; 12) Air Travel; 13) Food; 14) Other Indirect Source of Greenhouse Gas Emissions; 15) Domestic Use of Renewable Energy; 16) Cancelling Out Emissions; 17) Conclusions; Afterword; Appendix: Sources of the Main Averages; notes; List of Acronyms and Abbreviations.