Hitler's Professors: Second Edition

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Author: Max Weinreich

ISBN-10: 0300053878

ISBN-13: 9780300053876

Category: Higher Education - General & Miscellaneous

This classic book examines the role of leading scholars - philosophers, historians, and scientists - in Hitler's rise to power and eventual war of extermination against the Jews. Written in 1946 by one of the greatest scholars of European Jewish history and culture, it is now reissued with a new introduction by the prominent historian Martin Gilbert.

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This classic book examines the role of leading scholars - philosophers, historians, and scientists - in Hitler's rise to power and eventual war of extermination against the Jews. Written in 1946 by one of the greatest scholars of European Jewish history and culture, it is now reissued with a new introduction by the prominent historian Martin Gilbert.

Planning and PreparationIThe Problem Stated5IIGerman Scholarship, 1918-1933. The Early Years of the Hitler Regime10IIIHow the Scholars Came into the Nazi Camp17IVAlfred Rosenberg, the Apostle of Racialism22VRacial Science: Eugen Fischer, Ernst Rudin, and Others27VILegal and Political Science: Hans Frank, Carl Schmitt, and Others36VIIThe Beginning of the New Anti-Jewish Science: Gerhard Kittel40VIIIWalter Frank. The Reichsinstitut fur Geschichte des neuen Deutschlands (Reich Institute for the History of the New Germany)45IXThe Reichsinstitut fur Geschichte des neuen Deutschlands, 1935-1938. Wilhelm Grau50XThe Reichsinstitut fur Geschichte des neuen Deutschlands, 1938-1941. Hess, Streicher, Keitel as Patrons54XIGoebbels' Institut zum Studium der Judenfrage (Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question). Wilhelm Ziegler58XIIWalter Grundmann. The Institut zur Erforschung des judischen Einflusses auf das deutsche kirchliche Leben (Institute for the Study of Jewish Influence on German Church Life)62XIIIPreparing for War: the Concepts of Folk and Space67XIVOn the Eve of War: Jewry = Bolshevism. Peter-Heinz Seraphim75XVWalter Gross. The Stage Set for Conquest. Hitler's Prophecy79Large-Scale ExperimentingXVIPolish Jewry in German Hands. Jewry = Plutocracy84XVIIThe Ghetto in Scholarly Theory and in Practice89XVIIIHans Frank's Institut fur deutsche Ostarbeit (Institute for German Work in the East)95XIXThe Inauguration of Rosenberg's Institut zur Erforschung der Judenfrage (Institute for Research into the Jewish Question) in Frankfort on-the-Main97XXThe Staff, the Library, and the Organ of the Frankfort Institute101XXIThe Frankfort Conference of March, 1941. Scholarly Backing for the "Universal European Solution of the Jewish Question"106XXIISecrets of the Anti-Jewish Propaganda. The Representatives of the Conquered and Satellite Countries at the Frankfort Conference113XXIIIBetween the Fall of France and the Attack on the Soviet Union. The Concept of Greater Space119XXIVScholarly Backing for the Assault on the Eastern Space126XXVPreparing for the Extinction of the Jews131XXVIAnti-Jewish Research Institutions on German Models in Italy, France, Lithuania, Croatia, Hungary, and Denmark134XXVIIThe Extinction of the Jews in the Eastern Territories Begins. Scholarly Theories Reappearing in Wehrmacht Orders140XXVIIIThe Extinction Procedure until the End of 1941. The Clash between Economic Interest and Political Goals145XXIXNew Tasks for German Scholarship after Pearl Harbor: Jewry the Link between Plutocracy and Bolshevism158Execution of the ProgramXXXJewry - the Only Front on Which Victory Could be Won. Extinction of the Jews in the Government General163XXXINew Developments in Racial Science: Refolking vs. Purity of Blood170XXXIIRefolking the Letts and the Poles177XXXIIISplitting Up the Poles: Refolking, Enslavement, Extinction179XXXIVContinuing Extinction of the Jews: Revision in Theory, Consistency in Practice184XXXVThe Scientific Aspects of the Death Factories195XXXVIThe Jew as a Demon. Belief in Demons and Plain Deceit. Ritual Murder202XXXVIIThe Indoctrination Literature of the Wehrmacht and of the Foreign Ministry208XXXVIIIAnti-Jewish Research Literature in the Twilight-of-the-Gods Period214XXXIXAn International Anti-Jewish Congress in 1944219XXXXAnti-Semitism an Avowed "Secret Weapon"235XXXXISummary and Conclusions239Facsimiles of Excerpts243Index of Persons and Institutions261Index of Periodicals, Serials, and Publishing Houses288