Hitching a Ride: Omnibus Legislating in the U. S. Congress

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Author: Glen S. Krutz

ISBN-10: 0814250718

ISBN-13: 9780814250716

Category: United States Law - General & Miscellaneous

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ForewordAcknowledgments1Focusing Attention on Omnibus Legislation12The Nature of Congressional Change: Literature and Theory163The Logic of Omnibus Legislation: An Integrated Theoretical Framework304Studying Omnibus Lawmaking Systematically445Hitching a Ride on the Omnibus616Explaining the Move to Omnibus Legislating777The Birth of Omnibus Legislating: Why the 81st Congress Bundled the Budget888Getting around Gridlock I: Making Health Care Policy through Omnibus Bills1029Getting around Gridlock II: The Effect of Omnibus Utilization on Legislative Productivity11210The Omnibus Change and Presidential-Congressional Relations12411Evaluating Omnibus Legislating135App. 1Constructing a Data Set of Bills per Congress143App. 2The Policy Agendas Project Topic and Subtopic Categories145Notes159Bibliography167Index179