Hinduism: A Reader

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Author: Deepak Sarma

ISBN-10: 1405149906

ISBN-13: 9781405149907

Category: General & Miscellaneous Hinduism

Hinduism: A Reader offers a comprehensive guide to this major world religion through a combination of passages from scriptures and excerpts from the work of leading scholars in the field.\ \ \ Introduces students to the main textual, regional, intellectual, philosophical, historical, and contemporary traditions of the Hindu faith\ Includes excerpts from both canonical ancient texts and thought-provoking contemporary texts to offer a balanced overview of the religion\ Features selections that...

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This new collection brings together the sacred scriptures of the Hindu tradition to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the classical form of one of the world’s oldest existing religions. Selections from the Vedas, the Upanisads, the Bhagvagad Gita and many more cover topics such as creation, sacrifice, birth, marriage and death and tell the stories of the great Hindu gods. But over the last two hundred years reformed, anti and radical versions of Hinduism have emerged which question the laws, traditions and even the category of Hinduism itself. Uniquely, this reader juxtaposes the classic scriptures with the works of reformers and radicals to illuminate the new face of contemporary Hinduism. With an introduction to each reading from editor Deepak Sarma, this reader is suitable for Hinduism courses of all levels.

Acknowledgments     viIntroduction     1Classical Texts     3The Vedas     5The Upanisads     24The Jaiminigrhyasutra     69The Mahabharata     88The Bhagavad Gita     121The Ramayana of Valmiki     142The Puranas, Stories of the Ancient Past     172The Bhagavata Purana     201Manavadharmasastra, The Law Code of Manu     222Contemporary Texts and Issues     283Papers Relating to East India Affairs, viz. Hindoo Widows, and Voluntary Immolations     285Raja Rammohan Ray (1772-1833)     301Dr B.R. Ambedkar (1891-1956)     311The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955     346Kancha Ilaiah's Why I Am Not a Hindu: A Sudra Critique of Hindutva Philosophy, Culture, and Political Economy     359Hindutva: Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and the Rise of Hindu Nationalism     373The Constitution of India     391Index     397

\ From the Publisher"The book represents a turning point for the Digital Humanities by bringing together a wide range of expertise from both theorists and practitioners and demonstrating that this can be considered a field in its own right." (Classical Review, October 2008)\ "Sarma has done a good job … .An excellent collection for use in the classroom and for the interested reader." (Expository Times, December 2008)\ \ \