Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder

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Author: James Lock

ISBN-10: 1593851014

ISBN-13: 9781593851019

Category: Family & Child Health

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If your teenager shows signs of having an eating disorder, you may hope that, with the right mix of love, encouragement, and parental authority, he or she will just "snap out of it." If only it were that simple. To make matters worse, certain treatments assume you've somehow contributed to the problem and prohibit you from taking an active role. But as you watch your own teen struggle with a life-threatening illness, every fiber of your being tells you there must be some part you can play in restoring your child's health. In Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder, James Lock and Daniel le Grange--two of the nation's top experts on the treatment of eating disorders--present compelling evidence that your involvement as a parent is critical. In fact, it may be the key to conquering your child's illness. Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder provides the tools you need to build a united family front that attacks the illness to ensure that your child develops nourishing eating habits and life-sustaining attitudes, day by day, meal by meal. Full recovery takes time, and relapse is common. But whether your child has already entered treatment or you're beginning to suspect there is a problem, the time to act is now. This book shows how. Doody Review Services Reviewer:Tammy Yuen, MD(Rush University Medical Center)Description:This book on adolescent eating disorders is geared towards parents and families to help them better deal with a very difficult condition.Purpose:The purpose is to help parents understand and deal with a teenager's eating disorder on many levels. The objectives set out by the authors are very worthwhile and are easily met within the context of the book. Audience:The intended audience is parents, but there likely is some value for pediatricians and school workers as well. The authors are quite credible and knowledgeable on the topic. Features:The book does an excellent job at helping parents to identify, understand, and work with treatment of eating disorders. A particularly nice feature is the inclusion of examples of various presentations of teenagers with eating disorders at various stages of the disease. The book has references of other helpful materials or books at the end of each chapter. In addition, at the end of the book there are many valuable resources to help families. It is particularly nice that the issue of how families can work with healthcare professionals is addressed. Assessment:The book is of high quality and would be of help to any family facing this difficult situation.

1Act now112Get together363Don't waste time on "why?"584Know what you're dealing with : the complexity of eating disorders775Get into your child's head : the distorted thinking behind your teenager's behavior966Understand your options : what the research says about the best ways to treat anorexia and bulimia1187Taking charge of change : how to apply the family approach to treating eating disorders1378Playing a supporting role : other ways you can be a part of your child's recovery1809Harnessing the power of unity : how to stay on the same page in your fight against eating disorders20610Staying empowered and informed : how to work with professionals who are trying to help your child229