Hadassah Covenant

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Author: Tommy Tenney

ISBN-10: 0764203371

ISBN-13: 9780764203374

Category: Biblical Fiction

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The modern-day Hadassah, introduced to readers in the previous novel, is the wife of Israel's Prime Minister, with all its reflected power but also its isolation. The inner pain she feels as her beloved land and people are terrorized by political strife and bombings is made even more personal as her own father comes under attack. And then she learns of information that could have tragic repercussions on Jews living in Iraq, where Queen Esther had laid her own life on the line to save her people. The successor to Xerxes has no love for the Jews, and when he discovers the Star of David medallion on Leah (the young queen's candidate Esther wrote to in Hadassah), he is outraged. Leah is delegated to the "rejected" category, virtually a prisoner for life in the king's palace, with no hope and no future. Will Queen Esther and Mordecai be able to rescue Leah from the "ash heap" of Persian royal tradition? And even if they can, will Leah ever be able to truly love someone after all she has been through?The Romance Readers Connection Inspirational Corner, Jan 2006 - Mellanie Crowther"Hadassah recounted the familiar tale of how Queen Esther saved her people, as read by her eponymous descendant, wife of the modern-day Israeli Prime Minister. The Hadassah Covenant focuses more on the contemporary Hadassah's struggle to rescue her people from terrorists while attempts are made on her own life. Both stories dovetail beautifully. The intricacies of Middle Eastern politics are explained clearly, but front-loading them in the opening chapters may be off-putting to less persistent readers with little knowledge of the subject. Hadassah's terror in the aftermath of the bombing that kills her father is palpable, and will give readers an appreciation of the uncertainty of life in a country filled with unrest, where such violence occurs on almost a daily basis. The poignancy of Queen Esther's young friend and protegee, Leah, is deeply touching, as the young Jewish woman struggles within the confines of royal life.... The Hadassah Covenant resonates with the thrill of power and Biblical majesty. In both settings, historical and contemporary, humanity's search for meaning is delineated in deeply moving terms."