Gun Control

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Author: Tamara L. Roleff

ISBN-10: 0737736607

ISBN-13: 9780737736601

Category: Civil Rights - General & Miscellaneous

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Why Consider Opposing Viewpoints?     11Introduction     14Is Gun Ownership a Threat to Society?Chapter Preface     19Guns in the Home Threaten Children's Safety   Jane E. Brody     21The Threat of Guns in the Home Is Exaggerated   Wayne LaPierre     27Assault Weapons Are a Threat to Public Safety$dBrady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence     32Assault Weapons Are Not a Threat to Public Safety   Michael Caswell     38Laws That Allow Concealed Weapons Protect Society   Michael Huemer     45Laws That Allow Concealed Weapons Do Not Make Society Safer   Adam Lichtenheld     52Periodical Bibliography     57Does the Second Amendment Protect Private Gun Ownership?Chapter Preface     59The Individual Right to Bear Arms Is Guaranteed by the Second Amendment   Robert A. Levy     61The Second Amendment Right Guarantees a Collective Right, Not an Individual Right$dLegal Action Project     71The Second Amendment Permits Reasonable Regulations on Gun Ownership   Saul Cornell   Scott Vogel     83Most Regulations on Gun Ownership Are Not Reasonable   Jason Kallini     92Periodical Bibliography     97Do GunControl Regulations Reduce Crime and Violence?Chapter Preface     99Restricting Gun Ownership Protects Society and Reduces Crime$dBrady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence     101Restricting Gun Ownership Benefits Criminals   Robert W. Lee     110.50-Caliber Weapons Should Be Regulated   Eli Kintisch     119Banning .50-Caliber Weapons Would Not Reduce Gun Violence   James O.E. Norell     127Gun Control Laws Can Reduce Gun Violence   Ik-Whan G. Kwon   Daniel W. Baack     133Gun Control Laws Do Not Reduce Gun Violence   John Moorhouse   Mitch Kokai     140Periodical Bibliography     145What Measures Would Reduce Gun Violence?Chapter Preface     147The "Gun Show Loophole" Should Be Closed$dAmericans for Gun Safety     149There Are No "Gun Show Loopholes"   Orrin G. Hatch     155People on Terrorist Watch Lists Should Not Be Allowed to Buy Guns   Steven E. Roberts     161Banning People on Terrorist Watch Lists from Buying Guns Will Be Ineffective   John R. Lott Jr.   Sonya D. Jones     166"Stand Your Ground" Laws Are a License to Murder$     171"Stand Your Ground" Laws Will Protect Crime Victims   David Kopel     176Periodical Bibliography     182For Further Discussion     183Organizations to Contact     186Bibliography of Books     192Index     195