Growing and Eating Green: Careers in Farming, Producing, and Marketing Food

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Author: Ruth Owen

ISBN-10: 0778748642

ISBN-13: 9780778748649

Category: Business & Careers

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\ Children's Literature\ - Patricia Williamson\ Growing and Eating Green is a book exploring the careers available in the food industries, from farming to marketing the foods and everything in between. This is book two in a series of books about "Green-Collar Careers" and there are two others currently planned in the series. There is no reason to read them in order but rather to pick this book due to interest in a career in the Food Production Industry. The book gives the reader information about how to be a person who grows, moves, or markets food grown in a green environment. Farming obviously seems green but it is interesting to find out how far from "natural" as a society we have become. The "Career Profiles" include all areas and genders and are insightful into the variety of possibilities that are now becoming available to someone who wants to stay close to the earth. The chapter about "Organics" is very good and clearly explains the differences. There is a clear glossary in the back and any child trying to decide what he/she wants to do and who enjoys working with his/her hands, would learn about the career possibilities in his/her future. Reviewer: Patricia Williamson\ \ \ \ \ School Library JournalGr 5-8–Sometimes you just can't see the rain forest for the trees. These books are full of worthwhile and current information, if readers have the time and inclination to wade through cluttered, collagelike layouts, a jarring variety of typefaces and colors, overstuffed photo captions, and too much text punctuated with too many exclamation points. The best features here are the frequent “Career Profile” sidebars, contributed by people with intriguing and varied “green” jobs (such as running a zoomobile or being a vet for organic dairy cows) and the “Start Your Green Future Now” pages, which provide ideas about projects and activities. An index to careers is sorely needed. Concise information about how to prepare for each career is also lacking.\ \