Globalization and American Popular Culture

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Author: Lane Crothers

ISBN-10: 0742541398

ISBN-13: 9780742541399

Category: International Economics

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This concise and insightful book examines the way that American movies, music, and television_as goods marketed and consumed around the world_are key elements of contemporary globalization. Lane Crothers offers a nuanced exploration of these influential cultural products and their contradictory impact: in some cases promoting a desire for integration into the broader world community, in others generating disgust and outright rejection. Concluding with a projection of the future influence of American popular media, this book makes a powerful argument for its central role in shaping global politics and economic development.

List of Tables     ixAcknowledgments     xiAmerican Popular Culture and Globalization     1Understanding Culture, Popular Culture, and American Culture     5Anthropological Culture     6Popular Culture     8"American" Popular Culture     11Grasping Globalization     15Economic Globalization and American Popular Culture     16Political Globalization and American Popular Culture     20Cultural Globalization and American Popular Culture     22The Global Scope of American Popular Culture     29The Popular Culture Machine in the Global Era     29The Development of the American Popular Culture Industry     35A Brief History of the Movie Industry     37A Brief History of the Recording Industry     41A Brief History of the Television Industry     47Movies, Music, and Television from the USA to the World     55"American" Popular Culture     65Popular Culture and the Nation-State     66American Civic Culture and American Popular Culture I     67American Civic Culture and American Popular Culture II     73American Movies     73Titanic: Classand the American Dream     73The Patriot: Extraordinary Individuals and the Making of Liberty     76Blade Runner: The Emptiness of Consumer Capitalism     78American Television     80The Universe of Star Trek and the Universe According to Star Trek     81The West Wing and the Democratic Experiment     83Max Headroom and the Dark Side of Consumer Capitalism     84American Music     86Deconstructing Britney Spears     86The Making of Garth Brooks     89Tupac Shakur and the Making of a Rap Archetype     92Formulas in American Popular Culture     94Globalization, Fragmegration, and American Popular Culture     109Global Law and American Popular Culture     109American Popular Culture and Fragmegration in Four Countries     118Fragmegration and American Popular Culture in Iran     119Fragmegration and American Popular Culture in France     124Fragmegration and American Popular Culture in Venezuela     129Fragmegration and American Popular Culture in Hong Kong     132American Popular Culture and the Future of Globalization     137Cultural Responses to Change     138Hybridity, Cultural Change, and American Popular Culture     142Glocalization, Cultural Change, and American Popular Culture     146The Future of American Popular Culture and Globalization     149Notes     159Recommended Readings     169Index     177About the Author     189