Glastonbury Abbey and the Arthurian Tradition, Vol. 44

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Author: James P. Carley

ISBN-10: 0859915727

ISBN-13: 9780859915724

Category: Ancient & Medieval Literature

The essays in this volume, some reprinted in their original form and some extensively revised, are concerned with the Arthurian traditions associated with Glastonbury Abbey. Certain of the essays are analytic and others provide editions of hitherto unknown texts. They all examine ways in which legendary materials and historical facts interconnected in the process by which Glastonbury Abbey came to present itself, nationally and internationally, as the custodian of King Arthur's relics and the...

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The essays in this volume, some reprinted in their original form and some extensively revised, are concerned with the Arthurian traditions associated with Glastonbury Abbey. Certain of the essays are analytic and others provide editions of hitherto unknown texts. They all examine ways in which legendary materials and historical facts interconnected in the process by which Glastonbury Abbey came to present itself, nationally and internationally, as the custodian of King Arthur's relics and the burial place of Joseph of Arimathea, and the importance, political and ecclesiastical, that it derived from the connection.

List of IllustrationsPreface and AcknowledgmentsIntroduction1The BackgroundIThe Glastonbury Legends13Departure PointsIIThe Growth of the Glastonbury Traditions and Legends in the Twelfth Century29IIIThe Evolving Legend of St. Joseph of Glastonbury55Arthur's Death and Burial at GlastonburyIVGuenevere at Glastonbury: a Problem in Translation(s)83VThe Vera Historia de Morte Arthuri and its Place in Arthurian Tradition101VIThe Vera Historia de Morte Arthuri: a New Edition115Addendum on the Vera Historia de Morte Arthuri143VIIWas Mordred Buried at Glastonbury? Arthurian Tradition at Glastonbury in the Middle Ages145VIIIFrom Ynys Wydrin to Glasynbri: Glastonbury in Welsh Vernacular Tradition161IXThe Second Exhumation of King Arthur's Remains at Glastonbury, 19 April 1278179XThe Glastonbury Abbey Memorial Plate Reconsidered185XIA Fifteenth-Century Revision of the Glastonbury Epitaph to King Arthur193XIIA New Arthurian Epitaph?205XIIIThe Arthurian Epitaph in Malory's Morte Darthur211Joseph of ArimatheaXIVJohn Hardyng and the Holy Grail249XVGlastonbury, Joseph of Arimathea and the Grail in John Hardyng's Chronicle269XVIA Grave Event: Henry V, Glastonbury Abbey, and Joseph of Arimathea's Bones285XVIIThe Discovery of the Holy Cross of Waltham at Montacute, the Excavation of Arthur's Grave at Glastonbury Abbey, and Joseph of Arimathea's Burial303Romances and ChroniclesXVIIIA Fragment of Perlesvaus at Wells Cathedral Library309XIXA Glastonbury Translator at Work: Quedam Narracio de nobili rege Arthuro and De Origine Gigantum in their Earliest Manuscript Contexts337XXConstructing Albion's Past: An Annotated Edition of De Origine Gigantum347XXIGigantic Origins: an Annotated Translation of De Origine Gigantum419Other TextsXXIIMagna Tabula: the Glastonbury Tablets (Parts 1 and 2)435XXIIIRelics at Glastonbury in the Fourteenth Century: an Annotated Edition of British Library, Cotton Titus D.vii, fols. 2r-13v569Appendix617General Index629Index of Manuscripts643