Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Text-Reader

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Author: Gail Dines

ISBN-10: 0761922601

ISBN-13: 9780761922605

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

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Coming largely from critical and politically progressive perspectives, 70 readings exploring issues in current media studies are presented by Dines (Wheelock College) and Humez (U. of Massachusetts). The editors draw from the fields of history, literary studies, philosophy, sociology, and psychology to present essays that look at the gender, race, and class issues that arise in examinations of the mass media in the United States. Annotation c. Book News, Inc.,Portland, OR

Preface1Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture92The New Media Giants: Changing Industry Structure213The Meaning of Memory: Family, Class, and Ethnicity in Early Network Television404Naked Capitalists485Hegemony616Women Read the Romance: The Interaction of Text and Context677Black Sitcom Portrayals798The Whites of Their Eyes: Racist Ideologies and the Media899Hetero Barbie?9410Popular Culture and Queer Representation: A Critical Perspective9811White Negroes11112Inventing the Cosmo Girl: Class Identity and Girl-Style American Dreams11613Living Single and the "Fight for Mr. Right": Latifah Don't Play12914Who(se) Am I? The Identity and Image of Women in Hip-Hop13615Queer 'n' Asian on - and off - the Net: The Role of Cyberspace in Queer Taiwan and Korea14916Space Jam: Media Conglomerates Build the Entertainment City15917Kids for Sale: Corporate Culture and the Challenge of Public Schooling17118The Greatest Story Ever Sold: Marketing and the O. J. Simpson Trial17619The New Politics of Consumption: Why Americans Want So Much More Than They Need18320Nike, Social Responsibility, and the Hidden Abode of Production19621"You've Never Had a Friend Like Me": Target Marketing Disney to a Gay Community20422Advertising and the Political Economy of Lesbian/Gay Identity21223Sex, Lies and Advertising22324In Spite of Women: Esquire Magazine and the Construction of the Male Consumer23025Image-Based Culture: Advertising and Popular Culture24926"The More You Subtract, the More You Add": Cutting Girls Down to Size25827Cosmetics: A Clinique Case Study26828"Con-fusing" Exotica: Producing India in U.S. Advertising27429Advertising and People of Color28330Current Perspectives on Advertising Images of Disability29331Selling Sexual Subjectivities: Audiences Respond to Gay Window Advertising30232Gender and Hegemony in Fashion Magazines: Women's Interpretations of Fashion Photographs31433Television Violence: At a Time of Turmoil and Terror33934Advertising and the Construction of Violent White Masculinity: From Eminem to Clinque for Men34935The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Teachers Voice Concern35936Lay Theories of Media Effects: Power Rangers at Pre-school36737Lessons From Littleton: What Congress Doesn't Want to Hear About Youth and Media38538Hidden Politics: Discursive and Institutional Policing of Rap Music39639The Pornography Debates: Beyond Cause and Effect40640Pornography and the Limits of Experimental Research41741Mass Market Romance: Pornography for Women Is Different42442Everyday Pornography43443King Kong and the White Woman: Hustler Magazine and the Demonization of Black Masculinity45144Gendered Television: Femininity46945Daze of Our Lives: The Soap Opera as Feminine Text47646Women Watching Together: An Ethnographic Study of Korean Soap Opera Fans in the United States48247"I Think of Them as Friends": Interpersonal Relationships in the Online Community48848"No Politics Here": Age and Gender in Soap Opera "Cyberfandom"49749Consuming Pleasures: Active Audiences and Soap Opera50750Cathartic Confessions or Emancipatory Texts? Rape Narratives on The Oprah Winfrey Show52251The Mediated Talking Cure: Therapeutic Framing of Autobiography in TV Talk Shows53452The Case Against Sleaze TV54853Sitting Ducks and Forbidden Fruits55354Ralph, Fred, Archie, and Homer: Why Television Keeps Re-creating the White Male Working-Class Buffoon57555The Fox Network and the Revolution in Black Television58656Representing Gay Men on American Television59757What's Wrong With This Picture? The Politics of Ellen's Coming Out Party60858Once in a Lifetime: Constructing "The Working Woman" Through Cable Narrowcasting61359In Their Prime: Women in Nighttime Drama62560Workplace Dramas, Ensemble Casts, 1990s Style63361This Is for Fighting, This Is for Fun: Camerawork and Gunplay in Reality-Based Crime-Shows64262Here Comes the Judge: The Dancing Itos and the Televisual Construction of the Enemy Asian Male65163Ling Woo in Historical Context: The New Face of Asian American Stereotypes on Television65664Jewish Women on Television: Too Jewish or Not Enough?66565The Titanic Sails On: Why the Internet Won't Sink the Media Giants67766"Where Do You Want to Go Today?" Cybernetic Tourism, the Internet, and Transnationality68467Television and the Internet68868Dating on the Net: Teens and the Rise of "Pure" Relationships69669Staking Their Claim: Women, Electronic Networking, and Training in Asia70870The Cherokee Indians and the Internet715A List of Media Activist Organizations723Glossary727Bibliography739Author Index749Subject Index757About the Editors769About the Contributors771