Future Pasts: The Analytic Tradition in Twentieth Century Philosophy

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Author: Juliet Floyd

ISBN-10: 019513916X

ISBN-13: 9780195139167

Category: Philosophical Positions & Movements

This collection of previously unpublished essays presents a new approach to the history of analytic philosophy—one that does not assume at the outset a general characterization of the distinguishing elements of the analytic tradition. Drawing together a venerable group of contributors, including John Rawls and Hilary Putnam, this volume explores the historical contexts in which analytic philosophers have worked, revealing multiple discontinuities and misunderstandings as well as a complex...

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This collection of previously unpublished essays presents a new approach to the history of analytic philosophy—one that does not assume at the outset a general characterization of the distinguishing elements of the analytic tradition. Drawing together a venerable group of contributors, including John Rawls and Hilary Putnam, this volume explores the historical contexts in which analytic philosophers have worked, revealing multiple discontinuities and misunderstandings as well as a complex interaction between science and philosophical reflection.

ContributorsIntroduction311879 Publication of Frege's Begriffsschrift: Frege's Conception of Logic2521892 Publication of Frege's "Uber Sinn und Bedeutung": Theory and Elucidation: The End of the Age of Innocence4331900 Publication of Husserl's Logical Investigations: Bolzano, Frege, and Husserl on Reference and Object6741905 Publication of Mach's Erkenntnis und Irrtum: Ernst Mach at the Crossroads of Twentieth-Century Philosophy8151910 Publication of volume I of Russell's and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica: Truth and Propositional Unity in Early Russell10161913 Publication of Husserl's Ideas I: Husserl and the Linguistic Turn12371921 Publication of Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: Number and Ascriptions of Number in Wittgenstein's Tractatus14581926 Publication of Heidegger's Being and Time: Heidegger's Response to Skepticism in Being and Time19391932 W. V. Quine submits his Harvard Ph.D. Dissertation, The Logic of Sequences: Confessions of a Confirmed Extensionalist215101934 Publication of Carnap's Logical Syntax of Language: Tolerance and Analyticity in Carnap's Philosophy of Mathematics223111934 Quine's Harvard lectures on Carnap: "The Defensible Province of Philosophy": Quine's 1934 Lectures on Carnap257121938 Publication of Hans Reichenbach's Experience and Prediction: Hans Reichenbach: Realist and Verificationist277131945 Publication of Russell's History of Western Philosophy: Sure Path of Science: Kant in the Analytic Tradition291141949 Jon Dewey's ninetieth birthday celebration reported in Time: Non-Negotiable Demands: Metaphysics, Politics, and the Discourse of Needs315151950 Publication of Alan Turing's "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" in Mind: Language as Social Software339161953 Publication of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: Silence Noises Voices351171961 Abraham Robinson's lecture on infinitesimals at the Silver Anniversary Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Long Decimals359181970 Saul Kripke gives the lectures of Naming and Necessity: Meaning, Rigidity, and Modality369191979 Publication of Richard Rorty's Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature: Epistemology and Science in the Image of Modern Philosophy: Rorty on Descartes and Locke393201993 The Sacks-Dreben Debate: "The Fundamental Notions of Logic": Formal Losses415Afterword: A Reminiscence417Bibliography431Index457