Fundamentals of Signal Processing for Sound and Vibration Engineers

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Author: Joseph Hammond

ISBN-10: 0470511885

ISBN-13: 9780470511886

Category: Signal Processing - General & Miscellaneous

Fundamentals of Signal Processing for Sound and Vibration Engineers is based on Joe Hammond’s many years of teaching experience at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton. Whilst the applications presented emphasise sound and vibration, the book focusses on the basic essentials of signal processing that ensures its appeal as a reference text to students and practitioners in all areas of mechanical, automotive, aerospace and civil engineering. \ \ Offers...

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Fundamentals of Signal Processing for Sound and Vibration Engineers Author: Kihong Shin and Joseph K. Hammond Fundamentals of Signal Processing for Sound and Vibration Engineers is based on Joe Hammond’s many years of teaching experience at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton. Whilst the applications presented emphasise sound and vibration, the book focusses on the basic essentials of signal processing that ensures its appeal as a reference text to students and practitioners in all areas of mechanical, automotive, aerospace and civil engineering. Offers an excellent introduction to signal processing for students and professionals in the sound and vibration engineering field. Split into two parts, covering deterministic signals then random signals, and offering a clear explanation of their theory and application together with appropriate MATLAB examples. Provides an excellent study tool for those new to the field of signal processing. Integrates topics within continuous, discrete, deterministic and random signals to facilitate better understanding of the topic as a whole. Illustrated with MATLAB examples, some using ‘real’ measured data, as well as fifty MATLAB codes on an accompanying website.  

Preface     ixAbout the Authors     xiIntroduction to Signal Processing     1Descriptions of Physical Data (Signals)     6Classification of Data     7Deterministic Signals     17Classification of Deterministic Data     19Periodic Signals     19Almost Periodic Signals     21Transient Signals     24Brief Summary and Concluding Remarks     24MATLAB Examples     26Fourier Series     31Periodic Signals and Fourier Series     31The Delta Function     38Fourier Series and the Delta Function     41The Complex Form of the Fourier Series     42Spectra     43Some Computational Considerations     46Brief Summary     52MATLAB Examples     52Fourier Integrals (Fourier Transform) and Continuous-Time Linear Systems     57The Fourier Integral     57Energy Spectra     61Some Examples of Fourier Transforms     62Properties of Fourier Transforms     67The Importance of Phase     71Echoes     72Continuous-TimeLinear Time-Invariant Systems and Convolution     73Group Delay (Dispersion)     82Minimum and Non-Minimum Phase Systems     85The Hilbert Transform     90The Effect of Data Truncation (Windowing)     94Brief Summary     102MATLAB Examples     103Time Sampling and Aliasing     119The Fourier Transform of an Ideal Sampled Signal     119Aliasing and Anti-Aliasing Filters     126Analogue-to-Digital Conversion and Dynamic Range     131Some Other Considerations in Signal Acquisition     134Shannon's Sampling Theorem (Signal Reconstruction)     137Brief Summary     139MATLAB Examples     140The Discrete Fourier Transform     145Sequences and Linear Filters     145Frequency Domain Representation of Discrete Systems and Signals     150The Discrete Fourier Transform     153Properties of the DFT     160Convolution of Periodic Sequences     162The Fast Fourier Transform     164Brief Summary     166MATLAB Examples     170Introduction to Random Processes     191Random Processes      193Basic Probability Theory     193Random Variables and Probability Distributions     198Expectations of Functions of a Random Variable     202Brief Summary     211MATLAB Examples     212Stochastic Processes; Correlation Functions and Spectra     219Probability Distribution Associated with a Stochastic Process     220Moments of a Stochastic Process     222Stationarity     224The Second Moments of a Stochastic Process; Covariance (Correlation) Functions     225Ergodicity and Time Averages     229Examples     232Spectra     242Brief Summary     251MATLAB Examples     253Linear System Response to Random Inputs: System Identification     277Single-Input Single-Output Systems     277The Ordinary Coherence Function     284System Identification     287Brief Summary     297MATLAB Examples     298Estimation Methods and Statistical Considerations     317Estimator Errors and Accuracy     317Mean Value and Mean Square Value     320Correlation and Covariance Functions     323Power Spectral Density Function     327Cross-spectral Density Function     347Coherence Function     349Frequency Response Function     350Brief Summary     352MATLAB Examples     354Multiple-Input/Response Systems     363Description of Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) Systems     363Residual Random Variables, Partial and Multiple Coherence Functions     364Principal Component Analysis     370Proof of [characters not reproducible]     375Proof of [characters not reproducible]     379Wave Number Spectra and an Application     381Some Comments on the Ordinary Coherence Function [gamma superscript 2 subscript xy](f)     385Least Squares Optimization: Complex-Valued Problem     387Proof of H[subscript W](f) to H[subscript 1](f) as [kappa](f) to [infinity]     389Justification of the Joint Gaussianity of X(f)     391Some Comments on Digital Filtering     393References     395Index     399