Fundamentals of Shock Wave Propagation in Solids

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Author: Lee Davison

ISBN-10: 3540745688

ISBN-13: 9783540745686

Category: Civil Engineering - General & Miscellaneous

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This book forms an introduction to important aspects of shock-wave propagation in solid materials. Emphasis is on the regime of moderate compression that can be produced by high-velocity impact or detonation of chemical explosives. In this regime relatively simple equations of state are applicable to the description of compression. Solids may also experience inelastic flow, in which elastic-plastic deformation becomes important. The theory provided is that required to conduct research in the field and to pursue its application to ordnance development, Earth and planetary sciences, materials research, and other matters. The book includes a careful account of the kinematical and dynamical equations of the subject along with constitutive equations that describe the distinguishing responses of compressible fluids, elastic solids, and elastic-plastic and elastic-viscoplastic solids. The discussion of wave propagation begins with elementary analyses of important problems of the propagation and interaction of plane longitudinal shocks. This is followed by more refined analyses of problems of plane-wave propagation in the aforementioned materials. Finally, spall fracture, wave propagation in porous solids, and detonation phenomena are discussed. Many illustrative problems can be solved without recourse to extensive numerical analysis. The text includes numerous exercises and detailed solutions to these exercises.

Preface     vIntroduction     1Mechanical Principles     7Notation     7Material Bodies, Configurations, and Motions     8Force and Stress     17Governing Equations     20Differential Equations Describing Smooth Fields     22Jump Equations Describing Plane Shocks     26Jump Equations Describing Plane Steady Waves     31Concluding Remarks on Mechanical Principles     33Exercises     34Plane Longitudinal Shocks     37Full-field Solutions     37Propagation of a Shock into Quiescent Material     38Symmetrical Plate-impact Experiment     40Hugoniot Relations     41Longitudinal Stability of Plane Shocks     46Unsymmetrical Plate-impact Experiment     48Plane-shock Interactions     51Shock Interacting with a Material Interface     51Shock Interaction with a Boundary     53Shock Interacting with Another Shock     57Exercises     60Material Response I: Principles     63General Remarks About Constitutive Equations     63Invariance Principles     65Transformation of Spatial Coordinates     65Principle of Objectivity     67Material Symmetry     68Thermodynamic Principles     71Thermoelastic Materials     73Thermoelastic Materials with Internal State Variables     76Exercises     78Material Response II: Inviscid Compressible Fluids     81Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids     82Thermodynamic Coefficients of Fluids     84Relationships Among the Thermodynamic Coefficients     84The Ideal Gas Equation of State     87Mie-Gruneisen Equation of State     92Specific Heat Coefficient for a Crystalline Solid     92Complete Mie-Gruneisen Equation of State     95Thermodynamic Response Curves     101Relationships Among Thermodynamic Response Curves     111Exercises     119Material Response III: Elastic Solids     121Objective Stress Relation     121Third-order Stress and Temperature Equations of State     122Stress and Temperature Relations for Isotropic Materials     124Separation of Dilatation and Distortion     127Finite Dilatation Combined with Small Distortion      131Exercises     134Material Response IV: Elastic-Plastic and Elastic-Viscoplastic Solids     135Elastic-Plastic Response to Small Strain     138Elastic-Plastic Response to Finite Uniaxial Deformation     148Finite Elastic-Viscoplastic Deformation     157Constitutive Equations for Viscoplastic Flow     159Constitutive Equations for Thermoelastic Response     165Uniaxial Deformation     166Exercises     168Weak Elastic Waves     169Linear Theory of Elastic Waves     169Initial-value Problem     174Boundary-value Problem     176Wave Propagation into an Undisturbed Body     179Domains of Dependence and Influence     180Characteristic Coordinates     181Plate of Finite Thickness     183Unrestrained Boundary     183Wave Interaction at a Material Interface     186Exercises     191Finite-amplitude Elastic Waves     193Nonlinear Wave Equation     193Qualitative Discussion of Elastic Wave Propagation     196Characteristic Curves     197Simple Waves     201Lagrangian Analysis      202Eulerian Analysis     209The Centered Simple Wave     216Shock Reflection from an Unrestrained Boundary     225Combined Centered Simple Waves and Shocks     229Comparison of Transitions Through Simple Waves and Weak Shocks     230Formation and Attenuation of Shocks     232Shock Formation     232Shock Attenuation     234Collision of Two Centered Simple Decompression Waves     236Exercises     245Elastic-Plastic and Elastic-Viscoplastic Waves     247Weak Elastic-Plastic Waves     247Compression Shocks     248Impact of Thick Plates     251Decompression Shocks     252Reflection from an Immovable Boundary     256Reflection From an Unrestrained Boundary     258Interaction with a Material Interface     264Impact of Plates of Finite Thickness     264Pulse Attenuation     269Numerical Solution of Weak Elastic-Plastic Wave-propagation Problems     274Finite-amplitude Elastic-Plastic Waves     275Finite-amplitude Elastic-Viscoplastic Waves     277Analysis of the Precursor Shock     277Steady Waves in Elastic-Viscoplastic Solids     283Exercises     290Porous Solids     293Materials of Very Low Density: Snowplow Model     294Strong Shocks     298Shocks of Moderate Strength: The p-[alpha] Theory     303Spall Fracture     317Experimental Means of Producing Spall Fracture     318Plate-impact Experiment     319Explosive Loading Experiment     327Pulsed-radiation Absorption Experiment     331Criteria for Spall-damage Accumulation     333Simple Damage-accumulation Criteria     333Compound Damage-accumulation Criteria     334Continuum Theory of Deformation and Damage Accumulation     336Steady Detonation Waves     343The Chapman-Jouguet (CJ) Detonation     344Strong Detonation     351Taylor Decompression Wave     352Zel'dovich-von Neumann-Doring (ZND) Detonation     358Weak Detonation     364Closing Remarks on Detonation Phenomena     364Solutions to the Exercises     367Mechanical Principles     367Plane Longitudinal Shocks     377Material Response I: Principles      385Material Response II: Inviscid Compressible Fluids     388Material Response III: Elastic Solids     394Material Response IV: Elastic-Plastic and Elastic-Viscoplastic Solids     402Weak Elastic Waves     407Nonlinear Elastic Waves     412Elastic-Plastic and Elastic-Viscoplastic Waves     418References     427Index     433