Frugal Living For Dummies

from $0.00

Author: Deborah Taylor-Hough

ISBN-10: 0764554034

ISBN-13: 9780764554032

Category: Home Economics

Feel like you’re trying to dig out from under a mountain of debt without a shovel? Tired of working your tail off just to break even? Is the high cost of living taking all the joy out of life? Unless you’re one of the top two percent of wealthiest Americans, all of the above should sound painfully familiar. While they’re trying to decide between the ski lodge in Telluride and the Tuscan villa, for the rest of us, it’s an endless litany of corporate lay-offs, stagnant wages, crushing credit...

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Feel like you’re trying to dig out from under a mountain of debt without a shovel? Tired of working your tail off just to break even? Is the high cost of living taking all the joy out of life? Unless you’re one of the top two percent of wealthiest Americans, all of the above should sound painfully familiar. While they’re trying to decide between the ski lodge in Telluride and the Tuscan villa, for the rest of us, it’s an endless litany of corporate lay-offs, stagnant wages, crushing credit card debt, skyrocketing medical costs, exorbitant utility bills, the high cost of higher education.... And they call this “the good life.” Is there a better way to live? Can you get what you need and what you want without killing yourself to get it? “Absolutely,” says frugal-living guru Deborah Taylor-Hough, and in Frugal Living For Dummies, she shows you how. In this warmhearted guide to living the good life on less, Deborah shows you how to live within your means and enjoy doing it. Among other things, she shows you how to: Eat like a king on a peasant’s budget Take the sting out of gift-giving Dress well on a shoestring Save big bucks on family expenses Slash household expenses Save on medical expenses Involve the whole family in saving money Save more for the things you want From basement to attic, cradle to grave, Frugal Living For Dummies covers all areas of life with common sense advice and guidance on: Working with your partner to achieve financial goals Going to the grocery without being taken to the cleaners Quick and thriftycooking techniques Providing kids the basics on a tight budget Putting kids through school without going broke Looking good and feeling good on a tight budget Frugal holiday fun year round Saving money around the house and driveway Finding quality in pre-owned merchandise Packed with tried-and-true techniques for cutting costs and stopping the insanity, Frugal Living For Dummies is the ultimate financial survival guide for the rest of us.

Introduction1About This Book2Conventions Used in This Book2Foolish Assumptions3How This Book Is Organized3Part I: Getting Down to Basics4Part II: Eating Like a King with a Peasant's Purse4Part III: Funding the Frugal Family4Part IV: Enjoying a Frugal Home and Hearth4Part V: Part of Tens5Icons Used in This Book5Where to Go from Here5Part IGetting Down to Basics7Chapter 1Living Frugally in a Spendthrift World9Defining Frugal Living9To Be or Not to Be: Reasons for Living a Frugal Lifestyle10Saving money and meeting financial goals11Dealing with stagnant wages or low income11Living through a job loss11Reducing consumer debt12Look on the Bright Side: Adjusting Bad Attitudes12Canceling your reservation for the pity party13Accepting that your money supply has a limit13Reveling in the fact that you're free from credit card debt14Finding freedom and financial strength with a budget14Adopting wise spending habits: Saying no to impulse purchases15Establishing Goals, Budgets, and Good Financial Habits17Bringing the Family Aboard19Finding Ways to be Frugal in Every Area of Your Life19Chapter 2All in the Family: Establishing a Frugal Front21Working with Your Partner to Achieve Financial Goals21Recognizing your financial strengths and weaknesses22Identifying long-term goals23Establishing savings goals24Finding peaceful solutions to financial differences25Taming Childhood and Teenage Spending26Explaining that money doesn't grow on trees26Instilling good spending habits27Budgeting 101 for kids--from preschoolers to college students27Helping your kids deal with peer pressure30Chapter 3Eliminating Debt and Setting Up a Budget31Digging Out of Debt31Step 1Acknowledge the problem31Step 2Cut the cards32Step 3Set a frugal budget and live within it32Step 4Contact your creditors33Budgeting for the Future33Step 1Categorize your expenses33Step 2Estimate what you spend35Step 3Calculate and adjust36Part IIEating Like a King with a Peasant's Purse39Chapter 4Going to the Grocery without Being Taken to the Cleaners41Avoiding Common Gimmicks and Tricks of the Grocery Trade41Seeing through the aisle switcheroo42Understanding the store's layout42Escaping the store with only the loss leaders you went in for43Looking high and low: Finding the best bargains on the shelves45Using Coupons and Rebates45Boning up on coupon basics45Rebating for fun and profit47Saving Even More Money, Let Me Count the Ways48Locating in-store specials48Taking advantage of seasonal sales49Buying in bulk50Opting for generic products or store brands52Building relationships with shopkeepers and store employees52Experiencing the Wonders of a Price Diary53Chapter 5No More Macaroni and Cheese, Please! Creating Frugal Meals59Creating a Meal Plan to Avoid the Fast-Food Trap59Breaking Your Fast, Not Your Budget!60Enjoying generic breakfast favorites61Pulling breakfast out of a hat ... or the freezer62Stretching Your Lunch-Time Dollar64Counting the savings64Packaging your lunch65To sandwich or not to sandwich66Deciding "What's for Dinner?"67Serving breakfast for dinner68Focusing on the sides68S.O.S. = Saving on Snacks68Having Your Cake without Busting the Bank: Dessert Ideas70Using Leftovers Creatively70Making a buffet70Put it all in the pot and what have you got? Dinner!71Sandwiching leftovers into savings72Safety is as safety does ...72Finding Alternatives to Store-Bought Items72Growing your own produce73Making your own mixes and convenience items73Chapter 6Quick and Thrifty Cooking Tips75Freezing Food = Freezing Food Bills75Easing into bulk cooking76Freezing tips for homemade meals77Choosing what to freeze78Planning Ahead for Leftovers79Stretching the bird79Considering other creative concoctions80Cooking Cooperatively81Making cooking fun--sharing with a friend81Exchanging frozen meals81Trading hot, home-cooked meals83Fixing Your Food Fast84Stir-frying84Grilling and broiling85Dusting off the old slow cooker85Making magic in the microwave86Additional Money-Saving Tips and Tricks from the Kitchen87Part IIIFunding the Frugal Family89Chapter 7Cutting Kid Costs: Providing the Basics on a Tight Budget91Budgeting for Babies and Toddlers91Affording furniture and other big-ticket baby items92Saving on diapering needs93Feeding baby inexpensively93Providing toddler toys and games94Clothing the Kids95Making the most of hand-me-downs95Exchanging outgrown clothing with friends96Shopping seasonally and planning ahead96Saving on school clothes96Caring for clothing so it lasts98Requiring Kids to Cover the Extras98Chapter 8Putting Kids through School While Protecting Your Pocket99Saving on School Supplies99Finding Frugal Educational Resources102Homework: Finding inexpensive methods with quality results102Making use of low-cost tutoring options104Budgeting for Sports and Other School-related Activities105Buying and renting equipment105Budgeting for fees106Affording all the trips107Protecting Your Budget during Prom and Graduation Season108Funding a frugal prom108Saving on graduation-related expenses109Combating the High Costs of College110Earning college credit early110Benefiting from financial aid111Attending community college113Working while in college113Taking summer classes114Chapter 9Looking Good and Feeling Good on a Tight Budget115Saving on Toiletries and Personal Hygiene Products115Cleansing your body on a budget115Finding frugal make-up116Discovering cheap acne treatments117Cutting the cost of caring for your hair118Saving on feminine products119Health Isn't a Luxury--It's a Frugal Essential!119Eating to live, not living to eat120Exercising for a healthy life121Saving on Medical Expenses123Keeping a close eye on bills123Looking into payment plans123Coordinating insurance benefits124Finding less expensive prescriptions124Chapter 10The Family That Plays Together, Stays Together: Frugal Family Fun125Enjoying Family Field Trips125Choosing an event the entire family enjoys126Getting ready to go127Having Fun in Your Own Backyard127Reviving the lost art of storytelling127Discovering the games people play128Rekindling the joys of an open campfire129Making frugal music130Enjoying movie favorites131Financing a Reading Addiction132Finding books at the bargain sales132Browsing used bookstores and exchanges132Taking advantage of inter-library loans133Saving on Fine Dining133Seeing through suggestive sales133Avoiding overpriced drinks134Choosing dining times wisely134Vacationing in Big Style with a Small Price Tag135Saving for a family getaway135Traveling on a few dollars a day137Staying at home for the time of your life142Chapter 11Frugal Holiday Fun Year 'Round143Finding the Path from Insanity to Blissful Celebration143Exploring holiday priorities and attitudes144Budgeting and setting limits145Putting yourself into planning mode145Cutting Back without Settling for Less Celebration147Will you be my Valentine?147Here comes Peter Cottontail! Easter decorating and gift ideas147Honoring Father's Day and Mother's Day150Enjoying frightfully affordable Halloween fun151No Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, please!154Keeping Christmas and Hanukkah from breaking the budget156Celebrating Birthdays on a Budget158Cutting gift costs: Keeping a birthday box158Hosting a frugal birthday bash159Catering to the kids159Chapter 12Celebrating Special Occasions, Frugal-Style161Planning a Frugal Party161Getting down to the basics162Preparing a budget162Generating a guest list163Making up the menu164Putting your preparations down on paper165Decking the halls166Here Come$ the Bride167Planning saves you money167Saving on invitations168Playing dress-up168Finding frugal flowers and decoration options169Hiring photographers, musicians, and singers ... oh my!170Saving on the reception171Showering the New Bride or Baby172Decorating for showers on a shoestring173Showering with frugal gifts173Part IVEnjoying a Frugal Home and Hearth175Chapter 13Saving Money around the House and Driveway177Cleaning ... Always Cleaning177Saving on paper products178Considering low-cost cleaning supply alternatives179Caring for your carpets182Decorating on a Dime183Finding inspiration183Locating inexpensive home furnishings184Simple is elegant: Finding frugal final touches185Maintaining Your Home's Exterior and Yard186Caring for your home's exterior186Caring for your yard187Discovering the Joys of Preventative Auto Maintenance188Consulting the manual for maintenance schedules188Performing routine maintenance yourself190Cutting down on wear and tear190Saving on Pet Costs191How much is that doggie in the window?191Saving on assorted pet supplies191Taming those dreaded vet and pet med bills193Chapter 14Cutting Utility and Service Bills195Reaching Out to Touch Someone195Saving on phone bills196Using e-mail to stay in touch197Rediscovering the joys of letter writing197Saving on Climate Control198Dressing for the weather198Keeping your cool when the weather's not198Warming the house201Cutting Back on Electricity and Gas Use204Improving your appliance efficiency205Shedding some light on the subject206Trash Talk: Controlling Garbage Costs206Reducing what you use and what you throw away207Reusing household items in creative ways208Reducing Television and Cable Expenses209Cutting Down on Water Use to Save Money209Chapter 15Saving Money on Big-Ticket Items211Keeping a Ceiling on Housing Budgets211Saving money on rent211Buying into the American dream--Home ownership213Getting Around: Cutting Transportation Costs219