Framing Terrorism: The News Media, the Government and the Public

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Author: Pippa Norris

ISBN-10: 0415947197

ISBN-13: 9780415947190

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

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Terrorism now dominates the headlines across the world-from New York to Kabul. Framing Terrorism argues that the headlines matter as much as the act, in political terms. Widely publicized terrorist incidents leave an imprint upon public opinion, muzzle the "watchdog" role of journalists and promote a general one-of-us consensus supporting security forces. Contributors to the volume begin by focusing on how governments, security forces and terrorist groups seek to manipulate the news, including the legal and normative issues of formal and informal government censorship and curbs on freedom of the press. They then focus upon how journalists construct the news and how the public responds to news coverage-including "rallying-round-the-flag", public attention and comprehension of terrorist events and the public's response to issues of civil liberties vs. security.

PrefaceIntroduction1Framing Terrorism32Terrorism, Censorship and the 1st Amendment: In Search of Policy Guidelines273Clausewitz in the Age of CNN: Rethinking the Military-Media Relationship434Framing the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict595Paramilitaries and the Press in Northern Ireland756Framing the US Embassy Bombings and September 11 Attacks in African and US Newspapers937CNN and al Jazeera's Media Coverage of America's War in Afghanistan1138Framing Muslim-Americans Before and After 9/111339Framing World Opinion in the Elite Press15910Explaining 9/1118311Public Opinion Among Muslims and the West20312Rallies All Around: The Dynamics of System Support29913Fear and Terrorism: Psychological Reactions to 9/1125514The Lessons of Framing Terrorism281Select Bibliography303List of Tables and Figures313List of Contributors317Index323