Fracture Mechanics: Inverse Problems and Solutions

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Author: H.D. Bui

ISBN-10: 140204836X

ISBN-13: 9781402048364

Category: Structural Engineering - General & Miscellaneous

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Today, Fracture Mechanics is a well known topic within the scientific community. Applications of Fracture Mechanics can be found in various fields ranging from solid mechanics and structures to materials sciences and computational mechanics. However, most of these results apply only to linear fracture mechanics of two-dimensional and homogeneous isotropic solids. Therefore there are still incompletely solved problems; such as non-linearity, frictional contact cracks, residual stresses in fracture mechanics, three-dimensional crack geometry, coupled cracked solid/fluid, etc. Recently, new topics related to crack detection based on different physical phenomena have appeared. This book is an attempt to present, in a unified manner, different topics of Continuum and Fracture Mechanics: energy methods, conservation laws, mathematical methods to solve two-dimensional and three-dimensional crack problems. Moreover, a series of new subjects is presented in a straightforward manner, accessible to under-graduate students. These new topics take into consideration the thermodynamics of continuous media, including thermal and dynamical aspects. In addition, the book introduces the notion of duality or symmetry in Solids Mechanics. The loss of symmetry is exploited to provide a unique and powerful tool, called the reciprocity gap functional introduced by the author’s groups, to solve explicitly some important inverse problems arising in crack determination as well as in the earthquake inverse problem.With its emphasis, initially on physical or experimental back-grounds, and then on analysis and theoretical results, rather than on numerical computations, this monograph is intended to be used by students and researchers in solids mechanics, mechanical engineering and applied mathematics.

Preface     xiiiNotations     xviiColor plates     xxiDeformation and Fracture     1Deformation     2Geometric transforms     2Small strain     3Compatibility conditions     4Stress     5Elasticity     6Constitutive laws     6Tonti's diagram in elasticity     7Plasticity     10Experimental yield surfaces     10Prandtl-Reuss equations     13Generalized standard materials     17Fracture     18Introduction to fracture mechanics     18Stress intensity factors     19On the physics of separation     21Different types of fracture     23Brittle fracture criterion     28Energetic Aspects of Fracture     29Griffith's theory of fracture     29Some expressions of G in quasi-statics     31Irwin's formula     32Barenblatt's cohesive force model     34Berry's interpretation of energies     35Stability analysis of multiple cracks     37An inverse energetic problem     40Path-independent integrals in quasi-statics     43The path-independent J-integral     44Associated J-integrals for separating mixed modes     45The T-integral in linear thermo-elasticity     47Lagrangian derivative of energy and the G-[theta] integral     50Generalization of Griffith's model in three dimensions     52A local model of viscous fracture     54A non local model of fracture     55A dissipation rate model for non local brittle fracture     56Convex analysis of three-dimensional brittle fracture     57Solutions of Cracks Problems     61Mathematical problems in plane elasticity     61Plane strain and antiplane strain     61Plane stress condition revisited     62Complex variables in elasticity     63The Hilbert problem     65The finite crack in an infinite medium     68The auxiliary problem     69Dugdale-Barenblatt's model     72The kinked crack in mixed mode     73An integral equation of the kinked crack problem     74The asymptotic equation     76Crack problems in elastoplasticity     78Matching asymptotic solutions     79A complete solution in plasticity and damage     80A review of non linear asymptotic solutions     85Inverse geometric problem with Coulomb's friction     87Non-uniqueness of solutions     88Frictional crack problem without opening     89The energy release rate of a frictional interface crack     92The frictional interface crack with an opening zone     93Thermodynamics of Crack Propagation     97An elementary example     97Dissipation analysis     99Thermal aspects of crack propagation     101Singularity of the temperature in thermo-elasticity     106Asymptotic solution of the coupled equations     107Dynamic Fracture Mechanics     113Experimental aspects of crack propagation     113Fundamental equations     115Steady state solutions     116Transient crack problems     118Symmetric extension of a crack     118Semi-infinite crack with arbitrary propagation speed     121Diffraction of time harmonic plane wave by a crack     122Path-independent integrals     126Path-independent integrals for moving cracks      126A path-independent integral for crack initiation     128Inverse problems in dynamic fracture     129An experimental method for dynamic toughness     130Identification of energies in dynamic fracture     132Three-Dimensional Crack Problems     135Fundamental tensors in elastostatics     135The Kelvin-Somigliana tensor     135The Kupradze-Bashelishvili tensor     136Fundamental theorems in elastostatics     137Solution of the Neumann boundary value problem     138Solution of the Dirichlet boundary value problem     139Direct methods using Kelvin-Somigliana's tensor     141A planar crack in an infinite elastic medium     143The symmetric opening mode I     143The shear modes     144A planar crack in a bounded elastic medium     145Singularity analysis     147Solutions to some crack problems     149The angular crack in an infinite elastic medium     153The edge crack in an elastic half-space     155On some mathematical methods for BIE in 3D     160The Kupradze elastic potential theory     160On the regularization of hypersingular integrals      162Other regularization methods     165An integral equation in elasto-plasticity     169Non Linear Fracture Mechanics     173Introduction     173Ductile fracture     175Rousselier's model     176The micromechanics of plasticity     182Gurson's model     186Extension of porous plasticity models to aggregates     187Bifurcation problems in plasticity     189A finite strain theory of cavitation in solids     193Abeyaratne and Hou's solution in finite elasticity     196Solution for a creeping material     197The Fluid-Filled Crack     199Introduction     199The leak before break inverse problem     200Empirical models of fluid flow in a crack breach     201Variable breach area     205Wear mechanics     210Wear criterion and wear rate     212Conservation of mass     214Rheology of the third body     214The W-equation for a sliding punch on a half-plane     216Identification of constants     218Hydraulic fracturing of rocks     218The physical problems      218Equations in hydraulic fracturing of rocks     220Capillary phenomenon in fracture mechanics     222The equilibrium crack partially filled with a fluid     223Capillary stress intensity factor     228Viscous fluid flow solution near a moving crack tip     229Equations of the fluid-filled moving crack     229Numerical results     230Crack Detection by Scattering of Waves     233Introduction     233Scattering of acoustic waves     234Detection of a rigid inclusion     235Detection of a flat cavity     238Finite spectrum and finite number of incident waves     240Diffraction of elastic waves     243Non destructive testing of materials. A case study     246Time reversal mirror (TRM)     248Experimental validation of TRM     250The mathematics of time reversal mirror     251Tomographic Evaluation of Materials     253Introduction     253X-rays tomography     254Inverse Radon's transform     255Example of crack detection     257Attenuated Radon transform     258Functional tomography by SPECT and PET      258Novikov's inversion formula     260Conical Radon's transform in Compton scattering     260The conical Radon transform     261Nguyen and Truong's inversion formula     263The Reciprocity Gap Functional for Crack Detection     267Distributed defect and crack     267Planar crack identification in quasi-static elasticity     270Determination of the normal to the crack plane     271Determination of the crack plane     272Determination of the crack shape     272The instantaneous RG functional     273Inverse problem for the heat diffusion equation     277Solution for the crack plane location     279Solution for the crack shape     280Inverse acoustic scattering of a crack in time domain     281Elastodynamic scattering of a crack in time domain     283The observation equation in elastodynamics     284Solution     286The earthquake inverse problem and solution     287Methods of Solution to Inverse Problems     293The ill-posedness of the inverse problem     293General considerations on inverse problems     295Tikhonov's regularization      296Optimal choice of the regularization parameter     298Error estimate     299Optimal control theory     300State equation and optimal control     301Adjoint system of equations     302The dynamic system of quasi-static elasticity     305Smoothing operators     309Transfer matrix operator in elasticity     310Quasi-reversibility method     313Control of partial derivative equations     314Inverse problems in parabolic systems     314Identification of materials     317Stochastic inversion methods     318Tarentola's inversion method     318Kalman's filter     319Duality in solid mechanics and inverse problems     320Residual Stresses in Fracture Mechanics     323An approximate theory of residual stress     323A theory of fracture with initial stresses     324Energy release rate     325Residual stress identification     326Origin of the residual stresses     326Determination of the residual stresses     327Weak Interface Singularities     329The interface crack between dissimilar materials      329Discontinuous Neumann boundary conditions     332Thermo-plastic discontinuity on a composite tube     333Problems and Solutions     337References     349Index     371